Horror Map

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(Your P.O.V.)

-based on the Minecraft horror map called -Lights Out- played by DanTDM. Hope you all enjoy.-

*Steve is the monster, so to say, in this story*

I awoke from my twin sized bed upon the sound of a muffled yet loudly audible thud from downstairs. The lights were off and the only light source, so I could see, came from the window. I proceeded to remove myself from under the warm covers as the chill from winters effects touched the bare skin of my feet. I shivered and walked to my closet as I went to grab a jacket.

Opening my door I realized that I had no clothes. Period.

"What? I could have sworn I had hung up some clothes earlier today! My closet was effing full this afternoon!"

I huffed with a tight grip onto my large teddy bear as I shuffled over to my bookshelves to see if I had anything clothing wise stacked on them.

"Well dammit."

I whispered. My parents were out of town and my grandparents had already left a few minutes after I told them I was going to bed, so I knew that I was completely alone. I didn't own any indoor pets either.

I soon gave up and decided to continue to the noise. But I realized that a storm was warned on the news, and our power would surely have been knocked out. I went to my light switch and tried to flick the lights into use.

Dead. Just like I suspected that it would be.

Steve X Male Reader (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now