Love me

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(Yeah yeah yeah, save the surprise and shit for later. I was re reading over the chapter of Love me dammit and really just was not happy how I ended it. This is the absolute final chapter, if you want another book on shit like this then scream it at me like five times and I'll do it. But I ain't gonna make up all of the damn stories if I do Mkay? I also have to warn that I went all out with this chapter so it may not be the best for people who cannot handle gore.)"

But please, enjoy none the less.


The light was dim and the office was cold when (Name) placed down his papers and files onto the desk. A long sigh drew from his lips as he glances around, coat slung over his forearm as it was pressed against him protectively, but still just his regular office were his surroundings.

"It's too fuckin' early for this shit."

Grumbled the man near his thirties, it was about to be 4 am in twenty minutes. The only reason being of the ungodly hour arrival is that another case had broken out, a string of murders in a suburb area.

"Someone obviously has a thing against rich white people."

(Name) laughed to himself as he tossed his coat over the rolling chair, sitting down and flipping through the case files filled with evidence, pictures, and even notes that were found at the crime scenes.
One piece and then another kept showing up and neither of the murders had shown any signs of forced entry. Sure there were some small dents here and there, maybe some broken glass but those were all from a struggle. There were no busted doors, no smashed in windows or even broken locks.

Now the only thing to find.

Who did this and why?

"Let's see..."

Slit throat on a woman who lived with her two children. No husband. Children found suffocated in the backyard with rope tied around both of their necks and the dog was drowned in the swimming pool with limbs tied together with duct tape.

"Jesus Christ."

Man found tied to bed post with rope, arms broken at both elbows with cuts all along the wrists and a hole where the heart is located. Lives alone with two cats and both were found cooked alive in the oven. Oven held shut with duct tape.

Family of six, youngest daughter with neck snapped and head twisted backwards, next oldest found with rope around the neck and ankles as her stomach was almost ripped open. Next oldest found with her head blown in twice with two bullets from a shot gun. Oldest was raped with duct tape over her mouth and 37 stab wounds. Parents located in the backyard: father missing his head and mother missing two of her arms and an eye.

A sickening shiver ran up (Name)'s spine as he looked over the pictures taken.

Who could do this to such innocent people?

One last slim folder was left in the suburb cases as (Name) slowly opened it. Five more cases were in here but only two pages each and a few pictures.

"This can't be good."

They were definitely brutal. Short quick and to the point.

Elderly woman found with her stomach ripped open and intestines missing. No pets and no additional family.

Man in his early twenties found with his head crushed underneath of a stack of cinder blocks.

Steve X Male Reader (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now