Real World (Football)

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Your P.O.V.

"God, why do we need to make a tunnel for the stupid football team?"

A fellow saxophone player next to me complained, I shrugged but I couldn't say much on that fact.

I was dating the quarterback after all.

"I dont know what to tell ya man."

"Well of course you don't, you have Mr. Intimidation wrapped around your finger!"

I laughed and nodded, he wasn't wrong to be fully honest.

"Welp, come to attention, here they come."

I said. Our band director told the drum majors to sound the whistle for marching attention as we all call out the school's name. I looked across to the opposite 'wall' of the tunnel to see my best friend Samantha, a clarinet player, sigh heavily. I nodded and watched as the players began forming near the start of the band tunnel as I spotted Steve from the army of Jocks.

He apparently saw me too as he smiled and waved. I gave a small smile as the team coach gave the signal for them to begin running.

Steve pushed through the other players as he stopped with a screeching halt in front of me, raising up his helmet and giving me a kiss for good luck. Pulling down his helmet he followed behind the last few team members, the other instrument players and most of the saxophone section began to make a big scene from the moment. Some gagging and some giving 'awe's while most were asking 'what just happened?'.

Steve X Male Reader (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now