Robbery part 1

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A cold chill sweeped through the midnight air as you jogged towards your house with your backpack and a bag of groceries that were recently bought. Puffs of the warm breath that exited your mouth flowed past your red cheeks as you spot your small house in the short distance of the street.

"Finally! Almost home!" You mumble, a grin coming onto your lips as you take a right curve into your driveway and up onto the front porch. The wreath on the front banged against it's flat placement holder as you slammed the door behind you happily.

Shaking of the frost and chill you pick off the army boots you wore and pulled away the black and violet-magenta beanie as a fluff of your messy (short/long) (colour) hat hair makes itself known.

The clock ticked in your living room as you walked past it's bland and office feeling shape.

Entering the kitchen, you stop to set down the groceries as you look to the digital clock on the microwave that sat in the shelf above the smal flat screen TV.

12:47 am. Christmas was in at least a week.

With a sigh and a bit of shoulder movement you open the reusable bag and begin to put away the items of food in their desired places. The house was still.

You very much missed the loud and rather annoying stomps of your two little brother's but you knew that you couldn't get them back either way, even if you wished on it hard enough for Christmas this year.


"Is he home?"

"Yeah. He is currently in his kitchen. He's putting away groceries."

Herobrine talked through the walkie-talkie to his brother on the other line back in California. Two other men crouched beside Herobrine in the neighbor's bushes as they all waited till he was turned around, or at least asleep, for them to strike.

"Remember Hero, hurt him and I'll make you pay for it. Got it?"

Herobrine rolled his eyes underneath of his sunglasses as he raises the walkie to his lips.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Mr. I-own-my-own-successful-business, I get. After the fifteen times you already told me about the plan. Get the dude, knock him out gently, then bring him to California as your Christmas present."

Herobrine sighed as he put down the walkie, rolling his eyes once more to his rather spoiled younger brother. But hey, he's family and family is important.

"Don't roll your eyes at me Hero."

"Oh suck it up squirt."

"DON'T CALL ME- *sigh* Just get this shit done alright?"


As the brother hang up on their convo, the two man on either side of Herobrine let out a chuckle. Herobrine laughing along with at the actions on messing with his younger brother.

But he still had a job to do.

"Alright men. He's on his way to bed, Simon, you go up to his window and wait for my signal when I get to his door and open it. Maxwell, you follow me through the house and back me up he picks a fight."

Both of the young men nod, Simon pulling up a green skull teeth bandanna to his nose and Maxwell slipping on his brass knuckle gloves for extra protection.


You shuffled into bed as your little 8 month old kitten jumps up into your bed with you. A smile shows through you as you gently stroke the kittens head before turning off your nightstand light and resting your head against your grey pillow.

Just as you were about to fall asleep, a white cloth covers your eyes as another cloth goes over your mouth. A sweet smell wafts to your senses as you fade into sleep.

Yet before your vision want dark, you see a man crawl through your window and two others flipping you over before one of them is heard whispering.

"Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite."

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