Chapter 1: A New Life

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Author's Notice:

Hey guys! It's Jaz again, with a new story full of the adventures of Nya, Zach, and Harry :D

Make sure you've read Minecraft: Herobrine's Legend before this story otherwise it will make no sense and don't even get me STARTED about the spoilers *fans face*


Alright, so sit back, and enjoy the book (it gets better I promise)

- Jazz


Chapter 1: A New Life

- Nya's POV -

"Here we are, the keys to your new apartment. I hope you find it very comfortable, Miss Analove." The receptionist, who had introduced herself as Helena, smiled.

"Thank you, Helena. I'll see you later then!" I yelled over my shoulder as I ran towards the stairs. I sprinted up them, following the building map Helena gave me. Finally, after an excruciating muscle workout, I reached my apartment, Number 21.

It was quite small, two roomed with a bathroom and a tiny walk-in robe. Perfect for one person. Although, the furniture was pretty basic...

I unpacked fast, considering I had my Uni tour in about an hour. Not to mention the fact that I barely had anything to unpack.

In forty minutes, I was showered, dressed and untying my horse from it's post. In Minecraftia, horses and donkeys were the main modes on transport. Nearly everyone owned them; there were stables and parking lots for them everywhere you went.

My horse, Aphrodite (pronounced af-ro-die-tee by the way) was a gorgeous white beauty with gray, well more silver, fur on her legs and a silver patch on her forehead. She was my bestest girl friend.

I rode her all the way to Bloquear University in ten minutes maximum (she was also very fast for a horse her size) and tied her to a post along with another thirty or so horses in a park (so, like, imagine a parking lot but for horses)

Aphrodite pushed her head into my hands. "Aw, girl, want an apple?" I asked her, pulling an apple out of a pocket. She neighed happily in response, and took it right of my hand. I laughed and said my goodbyes.

The university was fancier than I expected. Instead of the ugly brick I was used to, the walls were a pretty mixture stone bricks and cobblestone, but also had huge glass windows and quartz pillars. It's amazing, I thought as I stared up at the tall building.

Of course, it was even better on the inside. Decorative wooden layout and expensive fancy furniture. A lot better than I expected.

I walked up to the main office, which was larger than my whole apartment doubled. The woman there looked stern and frightening, with spectacles perched on the end of her nose. I coughed softly for her attention.

"Yes?" She asked, writing with a book and quil. She didn't look impressed.

"Nya Analove here, for a tour?" I asked nervously, awaiting her answer.

She flicked through her book, agonizingly slow. Finally, she said, "Ah yes, Miss Analove. Please stay in the waiting room until three-thirty. A student will come and show you around, along with other boys and girls who will be in your tour group."

I nodded and said thank-you before following her incredibly basic instructions to the incredibly large waiting room. And who do I find there, looking very bored and tired, but my boyfriend, Zach Dare.


(just a reminder, still taking new characters)


Alright guys, I would have continued this, but I need characters to play Nya and Zach's classmates. They can be anything you want them to be, just don't use your personal details (like last name)

So please post on my message board the following:

- Name (last and first)

- Age (18-23)

- Appearance

- Personality

- Any hobbies or relationships

So yeah, if any of you want a fictional character or even someone representing yourself in this story, most the above on my MESSAGE BOARD. Follow me for updates.

- Jazz

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