Chapter 31: Searching

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Chapter 31: Searching





- Zach's POV -


Nya had told me she had planned to ask Mrs Kelly this lesson about getting to the library restricted section, so I decided after my sword training session was over that I would wait in the library for her.

I've been waiting for over an hour.

I think the librarians are starting to notice. Mrs Quest keeps sending me nervous glances, and then moving on and finding some other job to do. I'm beginning to get impatient - how long does is take one person to go get a book, then leave?

As more time passed, the patience faded into worry. I restlessly paced along one of the book shelves, trying to distract myself from the thoughts that were rushing through my mind: Had something happened? Surely one of the staff would have notice if something had. Maybe Nya's in danger?

Ridiculous. She's looking for a book from the inner-sanctum of a school, for Notch's sake. She's fine.

That's what I tried forcing myself to think for another half an hour. Then, from the room behind Mrs Quest's desk, out stepped Alex Machia, the new kid. I hadn't actually spoken to him before - but what surprised me is that he must have been in the restricted section either with Nya or at the same time as her. I'd been waiting here for at least two hours, and I hadn't seen him enter. So he must know if she's still there or left before I even got here.

"Hey," I said, holding out my hand to him. "I'm Zach Dare." Alex looked around my age, with eyes so green it kinda made me jealous, since mine were quite remarkably plain. He glanced at me, smiled, and shook my hand firmly. "Alex Machia," he replied.

"There didn't happen to be a girl in the restricted library section with you, did there?" I asked, my lack of patience making me get straight to the point.

Alex shook his head. "Nope, I was by myself the whole time."

I knitted my eyebrows together. "Oh." Hopefully Nya was already back in her dorm, getting ready for her potions class later today. "Thanks anyway, mate."

"No problem," he shrugged. "See ya round."

Alex left, leaving me in a state of worry and confusion. I could only manage to sit there for about ten more minutes before I decided to ask someone about what was taking my girlfriend so long. I knew I should trust her to take care of herself, and Notch knows I do, but that doesn't make being apart from her when she could be in potential danger any easier.

I walked over to the desk where Mrs Quest was sitting, filing through papers. She glanced up at me and sighed, stopping her (not very important looking job) for a moment.

"Yes?" she asked, and her voice was exasperated.

"Hey, er, I was wondering if Nya Analove was still in the back room . . ?"

She huffed and got off her seat. "I'll go check for you, Mr Dare."

I called out thanks to her as she walked off, but she didn't turn back and acknowledge me. I stood waiting, and patiently as I could manage, until she finally returned several minutes later. Confusion was etched on her face.

"She's not there, Zachary, so she must have left while I wasn't paying attention."

A sick feeling grew in my stomach - dread. "Okay, thanks. I'll go look for her." I said, barely holding back a choke. I coughed quickly to clear my throat. "See you, Miss."

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