Chapter 2: Gemma Redd

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Chapter 2: Gemma Redd


- Zach's POV -

Waiting around was pretty boring, even for me. I literally arrived an hour early because my horse, Aslan, really needed to burn off some steam.

The Uni looked expensive, and I hoped my winnings from previous duels would finance me long enough to complete a course. I wondered how Nya would pay for herself...

As if on cue, Nya walked through the double doors of the waiting room, looking dazed. When she saw me, she smiled and I hugged her.

"Hey! How are you?" She asked looking up at me. I grinned.

"Never better. This place looks fancy, eh?" I asked her, looking around the high-roofed room. She nodded in exasperation. "Fancier than I thought."

I heard the doors open and looked over Nya's shoulder. It was a woman, maybe early fifties, wearing some tight black dress and dark, itchy looking tights. She watched us with calculating brown eyes, and spoke with high authority.

"You two would be Miss Analove and Master Dare, would you not?" She asked, with a slight scowl. Nya turned around.

"Yes, ma'am. We're waiting for the three-thirty tour." Nya replied in her sweet voice. I nodded in agreement.

"Well," She said in a snooty voice, "Your in the wrong waiting room. This is waiting room 1; you should be in waiting room 2."

My mouth dropped open. There were TWO waiting rooms here? Wow...

The woman led us to a room at least a five minute walk away, and opened the door to let us in. "These are the boys and girls going on tour with you today. Remember to behave yourself. Your guide will be here shortly." Then she shut the door and left.

Boys and girls about my age were lazing about on chairs, throwing clay balls to each other, and fiddling with blocks of wool in their hands. I felt pretty out of place, to be honest. There were at least ten kids here.

Nya took my hand and dragged me over to a seat. To my horror, we sat down next to another person. Damn Nya's social skills.

- Nya's POV -

Zach looked pretty uncomfortable, especially when I sat down next to a girl who was sitting on a chair, looking nervous. I decided to make the first move in the conversation.

"Hi. I'm Nya. What's your name?" I asked the girl. She had long brown hair tied up into a ponytail, and long lashes circled her chocolate-coloured eyes.

She looked up timidly. "Gemma Redd." Her eyes looked like they could see right through me, and frankly made me a little nervous. I noticed she was reading a book.

"What are you reading there?" I tried to get a look at her cover, but failed. Luckily she answered for me.

"Swordsmen of the Ages. Bran-new, too, published this year."

I smiled and nudged Zach. "Hey, you might be in that book." He looked distracted and dumbly stuttered, "Ah, yeah, maybe."

I sighed. "Maybe, you should try being social." I looked in the direction of the group of boys throwing around the clay ball. "Go on. It'll be no fun here if you don't make any friends."

He sent me an annoyed glance over his shoulder as he walked off. I laughed to myself. Turning back to the girl... Gemma, was it? I realized she had been watching Zach and I closely.

"Is that your boyfriend?" She asked softly. I nodded. "Yep. Been together three months now."

She looked like she was about to say something else when the door opened loudly. Not to mention the booming voice that came with it.

"Alright, kiddos, it's time for you to get to know your new University! Tour starts now, people!"


Did you like it, guys? I'm sorry if I portray your characters different than what you imagined them as...

Shout-out to horse703, who created Gemma Redd *massive applause*

(i really like your character btw)

Anyways, let's move on to the next chapter!! (a little bit more Herobrine things go on in the next chapter *wink*)

- Jazz

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