Chapter 30: Eyes the Colour of Emptiness

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Chapter 30: Eyes the Colour of Emptiness





- Nya's POV -


I woke up the next morning grumpy and tired. My mind was whirling with possible explanations to last night's words that Clare had exchanged. Had it been a dream? My imagination creating illusions?

I didn't think that was the case.

Emerald was moving around in her bed beside mine. She poked her head from under the covers, then groaned when she was greeted with the early morning sun leaking through the windows. Clare was already wide-awake and walking around, getting ready for her Wednesday classes.

Today being Wednesday meant I had English at 9:30 and potions at 2. It also meant that today is the day to ask Mrs Kelly about permission into the library restricted zone - better sooner rather than later. I was practically itching with curiosity about what the book may contain. More clues? More answers? Or simply more questions?

Since I was a little late getting out of bed, I was rushed as I made my way to the English classroom. Luckily I made it on time.

The students were giving me wary, almost pitiful looks - the school had told everyone that a fire had started in the forest patch beside the arena and killed my sister. The witnesses of my powers were threatened into staying quiet. At least, that's what I've heard from Harry, who's still working within the campus.

I hated the way they looked at me; as though they were afraid I would fall apart any second. If anything, Tali's death has made me stronger.

Mrs Kelly was an odd woman with a terrible fashion sense and a knack of being late to class. Today, no less then ten minutes past 9:30, she rocked up in a long purple skirt and a red plait shirt - honestly, it hurt the girly side of my heart to look at.

I sat down at my usual desk around the centre of the classroom. I was surprised when the new kid from yesterday - Alex, I think (remember, I have memory issues that annoy the hell out of everyone) - walked past and sat at the seat to my right. Poor Jose looked lost and confused, since Alex had just taken his place. Up close, Alex didn't look too bad - although, his hair was so messy I suspected he slept with it that way. His eyes were an amazing shade of forest green. But the wonder was dulled by the alarm bells that were going off in my brain.

"Alex Machia," he stated, holding out a hand. I shook it firmly. "And you are?"

"Nya Analove." I smiled.

"Pleased to meet you. I don't suppose you happen to be single?"

Taken aback, I hastily replied with "No, I'm not."

He laughed. It sent shivers up my spine - but why? It was infectious and meledious.

We chatted for the next few minutes before Mrs Kelly began taking the roll call. Then, the lesson starting demanded us to refrain from speaking from each other. I could have sworn that Alex's eyes were almost constantly on me.

Class finished with the deafening chime of the bell. Whilst the other students were filing out the door, I walked up to Mrs Kelly who was behind her own desk. I coughed polietely, gaining her attention.

"Yes, Miss Analove?" she inquired, her hands filled with papers.

I cleared my throat. "I was wondering if I could get a note so I had permission to acsess the library restricted zone?"

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