Chapter 29: Too Many Unanswered

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Chapter 29: Too Many Unanswered





- Nya's POV -


"Are you sure?" I asked the librarian, again, after I have already received several very clear replies that she definitely was.

She nodded, her patience with me running thin. "Yes, Miss Analove. The book you are speaking of is strictly not allowed for student borrowing."

I clenched my fists. Of course, of course - when I finally get a lead on something, it turns to a dead end. That's my luck described in one sentence.

The book Clare had borrowed multiple times, Myths and Legends, belonged to the restricted section of the library. It meant only staff could gain access to it. Clare had obviously used Mind Manipulation to get the book - but had forgotten to check the records which clearly stated she had borrowed it. The libraian that let her borrow the book was under Clare's power, shich meant she had no problem with Clare borrowing books from the restricted section. A careless and costly mistake - now I was right on her trail.

But first, I needed to get past this libraian.

"But, Ma'am, Mr Ranger specifically asked me to -"

"- I don't doubt you, Miss Analove, but it's school policy. I at least need a note from him. Do you have such a thing?" she asked me, raising one eyebrow.

I bit my lip. "No, ma'am. I don't."

She smiled kindly. "Well, once you do have the note, you can come and borrow the book you're asking for."

I nodded and pulled a fake grin, saying quick goodbyes to Mrs Quest and hurried outside where Zach was leaning against the doorway, waiting. He pulled his infamous crooked grin as I walked past, and matched his steps with mine.

"So? Did you find the book?" He asked, keeping in step.

"Nope. Unfortunately, she said I needed a note signed by a teacher."

"Damn," he cursed. Then his expression changed to one of thought. "Which teacher do you reckon would do that for us?"

"Not Mr Ranger, that's for sure." I answered. He flashed a smile.

"Count out Mr Kingsley. I don't think he'd help anyone if given the chance."

"Maybe Mrs Kelly'll give me permission. I mean, she is an English professor, so she should be encouraging reading and stuff." I stated, thinking aloud.

Zach reached over and took my hand in his. I felt my cheeks redden. "It's worth a shot."

The Expert Class had their training on today at the same time as my archery. So we both walked together, hand in hand, towards the Weaponry Wing. We talked the whole way - mostly about what we thought the book contained and why Clare had borrowed it so often. Eventually, we reached the Arena, and Zach kissed me before saying goodbye and heading towards where his class was waiting. I waved to them, then turned to the Wing and walked inside. My archery class was hanging around the centre.

Jordan, Mackenzie and Gemma were waiting for me. Gemma had an excited, urgent look on her face, which I immediately translated to "Oh my Notch, Nya, guess what I heard from so and so this morning!" Gemma was always the one from our group to keep up with the gossip.

Mackenzie and Jordan were chatting with each other before I reached them. But before I could friendlily interrupt their conversation Gemma was in my face (well, at least, as much as her height allowed her to) and practically yelling.

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