Chapter 20: Bad News

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Chapter 20: Bad News

- Nya's POV -

*The Next Day*

Sleep didn't come easily last night. My mind was occupied with thoughts of glittering turquoise swords, menacing laughter and the bitter sense of betrayal.

Mackenzie had to be walked to her dorm room; she was wide-eyed, suspicious of any shadows that occupied the halls. We talked about happy things, like family and animals. I was able to hold it in until my head hit the pillow; crying in fear, in sadness that my friend was never really a friend at all.

Emerald woke me up that Saturday morning. I had bounced up and pulled her into a tight embrace, apologizing for getting mad at her and not believing her. She didn't seem to know what I was talking about, but she hugged back and thanked me. I felt a weighed sense of guilt every time I looked at her face, because I had portrayed her as a terrible, untrustworthy person. She treated me as normal, though, pestering me when I took too long in the bathroom and when I had accidentally put on her clothes instead of mine. I was thankful for that.

Clare was absent from our room; Emerald didn't seem to mind, and I had an immense feeling of relief which made the air easier to breathe. The first thing I did that morning was find Zach, and ask to meet him down by Florem Park. He had agreed, and his eyes gave away how much he was worried about me and my hushed, hissing tone.

So here I was, sitting on a wooden bench and watching the horses and their owners ride by. Aphrodite was grazing comfortably over in a large patch of lush grass, and my attention was focussed on a group of children playing 'Kill the Zombie' with wooden swords that had been enchanted so they couldn't cause pain if they were to strike a blow. The everyday lifestyle of the Bloquear civilians made me jealous; why couldn't I have an easy-going lifestyle like them? No danger, no pain, protected from anything that could harm. No one trying to kill them and hurt those they love. A life like that would be simple.

But simple didn't sound very appealing. As much as I wanted to have a normal life like the people walking down the crowded streets, a life without adventure would be... Dull. I mean, if it weren't for Herobrine and his crazy antics, I never would of met Zach. Or Harry. Or learn new things or be brave for once. I owed Herobrine for this life; yes, it had it's downsides (like a psycho killer trying to get revenge on me) but the good parts were more important. The happy memories me that the people around me had helped me create.

Whilst I was deep in thought, a heard a loud horse whiny from behind. I turned around to face a large coal black steed who licked me affectionately on the cheek.

"Ah! Aslan! Stop!" I said through giggles, pushing away the horse's nose. I looked up at Zach, who was saddled on Aslan's back.

He smiled as bright as a million stars. "Hey, Bow Brain."

I grinned widely. "You sure took your time, Sword Boy."

He jumped down from Aslan, his golden hair waving in the breeze. He made himself comfortable on the bench next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him, enjoying the warmth and the fuzzy feeling in my chest. Then I remembered what I had to tell him about, and my heart sank.

"Zach, there's something I have to tell you. Bad news." I said solemnly. His eyes betrayed his concern.

"Uh-Oh. This can't be good." He said with faint humour, his arm still across my shoulder.

"That's why it's called bad news, idiot." I stated and smiled, despite the situation.

His eyes glowed with curiosity. Not good curiosity, as such, more as if he wanted to put his guessing mind at ease. His face was grim. "So, what is it you want to tell me so desperately?"

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