Chapter 10: Blood Red Potion

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Chapter 10: Blood Red Potion

- Clare's POV -


Clare Jones. Short and simple.

I was an 18-year-old girl who dreamt of a peaceful future; not much else.

Potions class wasn't exactly my choice, more my last chance. So I wasn't very enthusiastic about it.

I walked into class, sighing in annoyance. The people around me waiting outside the classroom looked boring; skinny, glasses and agonisingly neat. There were a few exceptions, like the boy with the messy brown hair and navy eyes. And the girl with the pretty face and eyes as blue as the ocean.

But other than that, not much else noticeable enough to mention.

The instructor, Mr Ranger, looked just as boring as the majority of the students. He had a partly-bald head and black rimmed spectacles which hung on the end of his pointed nose. His eyes were a hard brown, but had a kind tinge to it. Just the average look of an average teacher.

He took us into the room which contained dozens of brewing stands and cauldrons. He sat down on a large oak desk with had a flower pot and a chest on top; what the chest was for, I had no idea.

"Alright, class. I'm Mr Ranger, your Potions teacher for this semester. I'd first like to take names, so I can hopefully remember them as soon as possible." He spoke in a rugged tone, like sandpaper.

He pulled a book out of his chest (Ah, that's what it was for) and coughed before taking the roll.

"Nya Analove?" He called, scanning over the class. Hmm, Nya. Strange name.

The girls with the blue eyes raised her hand. She was young and pretty, with a smile I'm sure every boy would fall in love with. But she looked like a generally nice person. "Here, Sir," she said, voice sweet. "Nice to meet you."

The role continued, and I heard many new names; Matt Freeman, Lilian August, Jose Hardy, Emily Day.

I sat next to two of the girls; Nya and Emily. Emily wasn't particularly girly, but she wore down her long brown hair. Nya was even more beautiful close up; she was too much like a Mary Sue for my liking.

"So, what are you studying?" Nya asked, the question directed to Emily and I.

"Social Studies and Potions." I say, then go back to my cauldron, which I filled with water. I barely noticed Emily's reply.

"Law, and Potions is kinda just something to make my resume look better."

Mr Ranger clapped, wanting to gain out attention. Then he continued what he was saying; "So, first I shall teach you all how to create basic potions, like Speed and Strength, then extend with experimentations. Experimentations, you say?" He says as though we were interested. "Experimentation, as the name suggests, is when you add and combine different ingredients to come up with a whole new solution. Today, I shall do a display of one; of course, this experimentation has already been tried, so we know it's safe."

He gathered us around a table near his desk, which already had a brewing stand and cauldron set out on top. He grabbed several random things (making sure we couldn't see them all and copy, thus probably ending in disaster). "Now, we have to be careful to add ingredients in the correct order and with correct quantities."

He continued to put the ingredients in glass bottles and combining liquids with complicated methods. Of course, I was able to keep up with the fast hand movements; I was good with things like that.

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