Chapter 33: "You have to stop this! She's dying!"

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Chapter 33: "You have to stop this! She's dying!"




- Emerald's POV -


I've already gotten possessed once - I hadn't planned, nor wanted, to second the experience.

But apparently fate thought differently.

About an hour after the run-in with Zach, I had joined Vent and Gemma in the cafeteria. They were both a little confused at Zach's slight panic, since he wasn't the person you'd really expect to panic. They told me that he'd gone off with Clare, who had stated that she knew where Nya was. Then things started getting messed up.

"That's not right," I said. Vent and Gemma both shot me 'what are you talking about' looks, and I continued. "Clare was in our dorm with me. She left just before Zach came and asked if I'd seen Nya anywhere."

Gemma's dark eyes flashed. "What, so Clare was lying?"

I stayed silent. I could tell Gemma's brain was working for explanations, just like it usually did in situations that required more complicated answers than most. Vent was quiet as well - which was unlike him.

"She probably saw her own the way to the cafeteria," Gemma said. "it makes sense."

I bit my lip. The solution seemed a little sketchy to me - the university was huge, so how come Clare was the one to find Nya so quickly?

"Yeah," I replied anyways. "you're probably right."

I wish we hadn't dropped the subject so quickly.


"What the hell is going on?" Vent yelled into the darkness.

Gemma's voice was high-pitched and frightened. "I don't know!"

"Does anyone know where we are?" Jordan asked, and he sounded closer to me than the others.

"No," replied Mackenzie. Unlike Gemma, Mackenzie's voice was soft, quiet. But I could still detect the slight tremor.

We were somewhere dark - none of us could see a thing. We didn't even know how we got here. All I really know is that someone knocked me out and then dragged me here - wherever here is. When I woke up, the floor was cold, and I had a splitting headache - then I had heard Gemma's scarred voice, wandering and confused, ask into the blackness "Anyone there?"

Slowly, one by one, people began replying - me first, then a quiet Mackenzie, a confused Jordan, and then a loud Ethan. Vent had woken up later than all of us (I suspect he was hit over the head harder than us as well). Gemma, who was usually calm in dangerous situations, had flipped her cool after the first hour. I could hear the occasional sob escape her. I had tried moving around, but I couldn't get far without hitting some kind of wall - one that I couldn't see.

"Maybe we're all just dreaming," Vent offered.

"What, so now our brains have interconnected?" snapped Ethan.

I heard Jordan sigh. "Who knows."

I don't know how much time passed, how many times I counted up to sixty, how long Gemma cried almost silently for, but after all of us had lapsed into an unstable quiet, I heard the first sound that didn't come from us.

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