Chapter 3: Weaponry Wing

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Chapter 3: Weaponry Wing

- Nya's POV -

Now, this boy was familiar. Curly hair, hazel eyes, infectious smile. He was wearing a gray hoodie and camo pants, and looked raring to go. "C'mon, people! Let's move!"

I ran up to him and gave him a bear hug. "Harry! What are you doing here?"

He pointed to the badge on his hoodie. "Mr James today, actually, Nya. I scored this awesome part-time job at the Uni last week. Tours and cleaning and pretty decent pay. It's epic!" He looked upbeat and excited, even though it was only a tour.

"Well, good luck, Mr James." I say, before turning back and standing next to Zach. Harry clapped his hands together. "Alright, first, let's go see the classrooms, shall we?"

And so, we started our tour of the notorious Bloquear University.


We followed Harry around the several-floored building for what felt like hours, but it was amazing. The amount of effort they put into this place is tremendous. Zach dropped back from his conversation with Harry and walked next to me.

"And here, we have the state-of-the-art potions facility, where you can never run out of ingredients, or solutions!" Harry said as we walked past a room that had to be three times the size of my previous family home.

Zach squeezed my hand. "Sounds like your kinda thing, Nya!" I nodded in agreement. Recently, I've taken an interest in potions, so I'm thinking of pursuing it in this university. Should be interesting, considering my ability to walk across a flat surface and find a way to trip myself up. Harry led us to a huge room, with double doors blocking our entry.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, the Weaponry Wing!" Harry swung open the doors to behold an amazing sight.

Bloquear University was most known for it's Weaponry Wing, it's pride and joy. It had the most recent training equipment, best teachers, and not to mention the weapons. There were swords of all different materials, and more bows and arrows than my eyes had ever seen. The high-ceilinged room was decked out in fence and mask dummies, obstacle courses, redstone training equipment, and targets. Actually, no. An entire shooting range, which was separated from the main part of the Wing. My kinda enjoyment.

Zach eyes shined at the sight of all the multi-coloured swords that lined the walls of the room. He must've been looking forward to this bit of the tour. Actually, a lot of people here looked the same. Even Gemma looked excited at the prospect of a shoot-out. I guess that's why most people come here.

"Well, that concludes your tour of Bloquear University. You can apply at the front desk, and the semester starts next week. There are limited dorms here, so if you wish you can book early for one of those. I really do hope you enjoyed your tour! Just follow the path over there 'til you get to the main office. Bye, guys!" Harry waved as everyone left the Wing, chattering and excited. I guess Harry cheerfulness caught on them. Or maybe it was just the many deadly killing devices laid out for all to see.

I said goodbye to Harry and followed the rest of the group. After some persuading, Zach went up and starting talking with some other boys. I caught up with Gemma and walked next to her.

"So, what are you most excited about?" I asked, trying to get her attention.

"Oh, you know, the best stuff. The Food Technology, the potions, the Weaponry Wing." She replied dreamily.

"I know, those arrows looked ready to be shot! Are you an archer or swordswoman?" I inquired.

"Both." She replied simply.

"Wow." I said, and we made a conversation until we got to the main office, where she said she had to leave (after quickly signing up for Uni, of course).

Zach applied for the Swordsmanship Course (and a dorm room), which didn't surprise me. I applied for a Potions and Archery course, but luckily a dorm room wasn't needed, not with my new apartment. Besides, we walked past them on the tour and they were way too small.

Zach and I walked out into the parking lot. I hugged him goodbye. He was staying at a hotel until the semester starts, so I mightn't be seeing him very often.

"Take care, Sword Boy." I yelled as I waved over my shoulder. I saddled up Aphrodite and rode home during rush hour traffic, which I tell you, sucks.

I got home, fed Zazzles and plopped myself onto my bed in a tired heap. I locked the door (robbers aren't very common in Bloquear, and neither were monsters. It was just a precaution incase a large heap of zombies or something got their way this far up into the building, which would probably never happen.)

I got changed and crawled into bed, yawning. I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.


Since Herobrine was killed, my nightmares had gone away. So when I dreamt of white eyes and a red hell that night, I was surprised. Very surprised.

It started off relatively normal, but soon the entire world became a familiar fiery red and full of darkness. I remembered red vials, white eyes, and a terrible scream. I remembered Herobrine's last words.

'Herobrine cannot be destroyed.'

He had said that with enough scorn of a million aggressive wolves. They echoed in my head, over and over and over, hollow eyes staring into my mind, until I woke up, sweating and very spooked, that morning.


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- Jazz

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