Chapter 34: Don't Fall Asleep

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Chapter 34: Don't Fall Asleep




- Nya's POV -


Zach's pained cries filled the air, shattering any silence - but I couldn't see him. Only white light.

"Stop it!" I screamed at Herobrine, who was also shrouded in the creepy brightness. But I knew it would do no good.

I frantically searched around, looking for something that I could use to break the wall - something I could throw, or hit with, something.

But the entire room was empty, except, obviously, the interconnecting walls I was stuck in. There was nothing lying about that I could use. Panic began rising again, fuelled by the sheer agony of Zach's screams. Slowly, I began to realise something through the haze of my messy emotions - my fire.

Thanks to some practice, I could control my flames much better now - I silently thanked Zach for encouraging me to train myself. Balls of fire, hot, flickering and raging formed in my palms, and I raised both my hands simultaneously, and willed the fire to blast at the walls - and it did. The force of the impact nearly threw me off my feet, but I stood my ground, and the size and heat of the fire steadily intensified as moments passed. I was sweating, there was a biting pain in my head, and I could feel my energy disintegrating with every single flame I produced - but I kept standing.

I quickly cut the fire off (to much relief) to see what damage I had done on the wall. When I ran forwards to check, I noticed a tiny black singe, barely the size of my palm, stain the transparentness. A quick rush of hope, like a spark, ran through me, and I felt a faint sense of triumph as I stood facing the wall again. I called upon the fire again, and it obeyed - but this time it was more hesitant, and much harder to keep up. It barely lasted half a minute.

But it still made damage. The burn was much larger now, perhaps the size of a block. I was trembling with exhaustion, but I was fuelled by anger, panic and a heated sense of revenge. So I took a deep breath, summoned my energy, raised my hands again -

Suddenly, Zach's screams ceased.

I had put so much concerntration into my fire - into breaking down the barriers - that I hadn't noticed that the light Herobrine had created had dulled to a pale white. I watched as it rapidly deteriorated until it didn't exist at all. I felt a sick feeling of dread.

It took a while for my eyes to adjust, but the image was registered quite quickly. Zach was lying on the ground, limp, and my heart clenched. Herobrine had his head in his hands, knees bent, as if he were struggling to support himself with regular strength. The sight startled me almost as much as Zach's did. Herobrine, weak?

I heard him yell out in fustration, and the ground rumbled slightly. Clare gave a short pained gasp, and for a fraction of a moment I noticed Gemma's solid stance waver with a slight lowering of her sword-wielding arm. The tremble must have disturbed her already on-edge concerntration.

Almost as an impulse, I blasted a quick burst of flames at the nether brick floor - but to no avail. It was like the floor had been enchanted to withstand it. I cursed loudly, throwing another waft of fire at the ground, but it escaped unharmed and intact. I cursed again and shot a desperate glance towards Herobrine and Zach . . . And froze.

Herobrine was leaning against the barrier, and Zach had rolled onto his back and was breathing steadily. Herobrine was hunched over, clutching at his heart, and I saw his face, his eyes - they were plastered with genuine fear.

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