Chapter 14: Dinner With The Family

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Chapter 14: Dinner With The Family

- Nya's POV -

I was in the hospital for a few days, just to make sure I was fine to be released. Everyone was surprised by how fast I healed; including myself. Although no one mentioned it (at least to my face), my recovery was abnormally quick.

Honestly, I would have stayed in that safe haven for another week if I had been allowed. I really, really didn't want to go back home. At least, not with my pig's ass of a father around.

Someone may wonder, Nya, why are you so bothered about something that happened months ago? Shouldn't you be over it by now? I mean, he is your dad.

But, remember, this is the dad who threw me into unexplored territory without even listening to my preference of it. So yeah, I was going to forgive him too quickly.

By the time I was released, my previous burns had nearly completely healed and I was able to ride Aphrodite (who had escaped any serious injuries) down the gravel streets of Bloquear. And now, I was riding towards my family's home, where they apparently had my bedroom ready for me to arrive.

My house was very typical and suburban. It was a simple and homely design and had a chimney along with a hearth. It had seven rooms; a kitchen, living space, working room, bathroom and three bedrooms. Double story with a front and back garden. Oh yeah, should I mention that Mum is looking after Harpo, Zach's dog, while he takes his Uni course? Probably, yes. He had previously stayed at a kennel in central Bloquear, but the costs were getting to hard to manage. So my parents took him in.

I took Aphrodite to a special spot on the front lawn and tied her to a fence post with a sturdy lead. She whined and I quickly fed her an apple before walked up to the front door. I took a deep breath before raising my hand to knock.

Knock knock knock.

I heard an excited squeal and in a few seconds flat the wooden door was open and there stood my mother, who looked just as energetic as ever.

My Mother was very beautiful in her day, and worked on her family farm feeding animals until she was seventeen. Although wrinkled, her skin was a similar shade to mine, and her hair was the colour of chestnuts. Looking at her made me feel guilty, that I hadn't visited her in so long. It sort of hurts to admit it, but, I really did miss my mother.

"Nya! Oh, Nya, I'm so happy to see you! Look at how much you've grown!"

Okay, I've complained about tight hugs before, but this one takes the prize. And then stamps on the rest of the competitors and throws them to the creepers.

"Hi, Mum." I say, struggling to breath. She reluctantly released me and invited me inside. I was relieved to see nothing had changed much; just a few more paintings and flowerpots, and perhaps a few slight interior design changes. I had a quick look around and Mum took me to my room.

"Now, it's probably a little to clean for your liking, but I'm sure it'll be fine." She said as she opened the wooden door leading to my bedroom. "Have a good rest, Darling, and we'll see you at dinner. Mushroom soup tonight; your favourite!" And like that she left.

My room hasn't changed much since last year. I still had plenty of chests, my mini archery target, my huge amount of books, and the huge glass window opposite my bed. The carpet was pale blue, and the walls were covered in paintings. Just the way I like it.

I packed away my belongings (there weren't many of them, since nearly everything was destroyed in the fire) and flopped myself onto my bed. Looking at the clock to my right, I read the time as nearly midday. Which meant three hours until Tali came back from school. Three hours of peace and serenity.

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