Chapter 12: Tali Analove

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Chapter 12: Tali Analove

- Nya's POV -

"Nya..? Is that you?"

I turned around in a snap action, and found myself looking at a pretty young girl with hair a little darker than my own and gray-blue eyes which were widened in shock. Even though I hadn't seen her in months, I knew exactly who this girl was.

"Holy Notch! Nya, it's you!" The girl dropped the bag of apples she had so precisely checked over and ran over to me, throwing her petite body into my arms. I hugged her close. Wow, she had grown a lot since the last time I saw her.

"I can't believe it's you, Tali. I haven't seen you in so long..." I spoke softly, and broke our tight embrace.

I looked over her. She had definitely grown, not only in height, but she looked somewhat more... Mature. Older.

I heard an awkward cough from behind me, and suddenly remembered that neither Zach nor Emerald knew what was going on. Turning to them, I put my arm around Tali's shoulders.

"Zach, Emerald, let me introduce you to someone. This is my sister, Tali Analove."


- Zach's POV -

I could definitely see the family resemblance between the two sisters. At a guess, Tali looked about fifteen, and she was obviously a lot more girly than Nya; she was wearing a light pink jacket over a stylish 'unicorn' t-shirt. She was very pretty; although in a much more cuter way than Nya.

Emerald looked gobsmacked; apparently no one told her that Nya's entire family lived in Bloquear. Probably my bad.

"Pleased to meet you both." Tali said happily, holding out her hand. Emerald and I shook it in turn; also, she was much more polite than Nya.

"Well, we were gonna go check out some other streets, so we'd better let you two catch up on things. Nya, I hope you have your watch on you, 'cos we're meeting the others back at the park at 3!" I yelled over at my shoulder, waving goodbye. Nya's eyes were dancing with laughter. I quickly grabbed Emerald's wrist and dragged her into the bustling crowd.

"Nya has a sister?" She asked, finally. "Yep." I replied. "But they haven't seen each other in like, months, so we'd better give them some space."

I pointed to a stall selling a collection of pickaxes. "Wanna check over there?"

She nodded, and the two of us walked away, leaving Nya and Tali to talk amongst themselves.


- Nya's POV -

Tali and I found a spot to sit, just a little table outside a small restaurant, and started talking. We both ordered some snacks and were quickly served. As Tali tossed the apple between her hands thrice, like she did as a kid, I realized just how much I missed her and her strange little habits.

"So, how are Mum and Dad?" I ask, trying to sound disinterested. Truth was, I really wasn't.

Tali took a bite from the apple she'd just ordered. "Busy, as always, but other than that, pretty good."

I shuddered, remembering a little while back, when I (involuntarily) worked at the IEM. My Father had forced me to live within several unexplored biomes, without much training, and expected me to survive on my own. Honestly, how much more screwed up can you get?

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