Chapter 5: Daylight Nightmares

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Chapter 5: Daylight Nightmares

- Nya's POV -

"On your marks, get set,"

Calm down Nya, now is not the time to have a nervous breakdown.


I immediately jumped up from my starting crouch and jumped onto the first platform, which was relatively easy. If fact, the first few half-dozen or so jumps were easy, but then came the difficult bits. Like the lava waterfall and redstone-powered moving platforms. Not to mention how high up I was getting.

I told myself over and over not to look down, and luckily myself obeyed. Jumps were getting further now, with much bigger health risks if I were to miss. I stopped and rested for a few seconds on a secure cobble platform and thought about my strategy for the next set of jumps. But I never used those strategies, because that was about the time I fell.

Sets of jumps were themed, like jungle or ice or something. The jumps ahead of me were nether themed. Boiling red lava and crackling flames and dark coloured nether brick.

Suddenly, I was back in one of my nightmares, with those four words spinning around in my head and white eyes burning into my mind. The world was now a burning hell and I couldn't escape. I couldn't escape those empty eyes... I screamed out in agony and fear, trying to drown out the sounds of the voices whispering in my ears, 'Herobrine cannot be destroyed.'

I stepped back, trying to get away from it all. Then the real world came back in a flash, and I opened my eyes to see the ground of the Weaponry Wing getting dangerously closer by the millisecond. Acting fast like I learnt in the jungle, I reached out for anything I could get a grip on. Luckily, just below me, a floating wooden block had a ladder attached to the side.

From then on everything practically went in slow motion. I fell further, further down, closer to the hard ground, and grabbed the ladder tightly when I could reach it. I clung on to dear life and hoisted myself up onto the oak block. Breathing heavily, I tried to get the images of Herobrine out of my head before someone noticed I was going crazy.

I looked down to see an entire class of awe-struck faces staring back up at me. Embarrassed, I climbed my way down shakily, more than relieved when my feet touched hard ground. My knees gave way and I fell to the ground. I hissed to them, 'stop shaking!', annoyed by my inability to stand up on my own.

"Miss Analove, would you care to explain to me what happened up there?" Mr Slayer looked down on me, looking just as shocked as the rest of the class.

"I... Er... Fell." I replied stupidly, cursing myself. How could I let my imagination get the better of me like that?

"Indeed, Miss Analove, but why did you fall? And why did you float like that?"

I glanced at him, confused. "Float?"

He nodded solemnly. "Yes, Nya. You floated as you were falling. In midair. You practically flew. Care to explain that?"

Oh, so that's why things went in slow motion. Makes sense.

Looking around at all the curious faces around me, I realized I was the only one who thought so.


Nya can fly? What's gonna happen next??!?

No new characters this chapter, I'm afraid.

Well, happy minecrafting :D

- Jazz

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