Chapter 16: Mistress

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Chapter 16: Mistress


- Nya's POV -

"Prepare to die, Nya Christen Analove."

My breath caught in my throat and I could feel my heart rate going overboard. Mr Ranger was behind his desk, facing me with creepy empty eyes. His face was twisted with pain and hatred, and his teeth were clenched shut.

"Haha, good one, Mr Ranger..." I laugh nervously. "Er, Emerald said you have homework for me..?"

He glared at me through his lifeless eyes, sending shivers down my spine. He spoke as if he hadn't heard me. "I hear Wielders are difficult to kill. Luckily, my mistress gave me a weapon perfectly suited for it."

He stood up, and to my horror, he held a glowing, glittering diamond sword in his right hand. It's perfect shape and distinctive spotless blade were frighteningly familiar.

"Oh my Notch..." I murmured so softly I could barely hear myself, and that was quiet.

That was Herobrine's Sword. The one that turned me... Into this. How did Professor Ranger get his hands on it? I left that stupid thing in the Nether months ago!

I could physically feel myself shaking like a leaf. "How.." I choked, but the words wouldn't escape.

Mr Ranger's eyes glinted. "Enough talk, Wielder. Mistress had ordered me to kill you quickly."

Then he lurched forwards, the sword headed for my chest. I dodged a lot faster than a normal human should, but Mr Ranger had already recovered from his missed blow and was running towards me, sword out, yelling defiantly. I panicked, and the blade made contact with my arm with a burning hiss. It only grazed it, but it hurt much more than a normal sword would have.

I gasped in pain and Mr Ranger kicked me down onto the floor with strength I didn't even realise was possible. I coughed hard and scrambled away as far as I could before I could feel my back against a desk. Mr Ranger loomed over me, sword in hand, ready to strike it down on top of me.

Think, Nya, think.

I reached out and kicked his foot with as much strength as I could muster, which aided with my powers was a lot more than I expected. Ranger yelped and stumbled back, which meant I was able to stand up and get out of the way before he brought the blade down where my head had just been. I kicked him in the back so that he fell forwards and hit his head on the heavy wooden desk.

I looked around the room in a flurry, knowing that I couldn't hold out much longer. He was already being to recover from his apparent headache.

My eyes found a rack of potions sitting on a student's desk beside me. I quickly chose the one green in colour and hid it behind my back. Mr Ranger was standing up now, one hand rubbing his head and the other clutching the sword's hilt.

He turned around, a look of anger on his face, and proceeded to walk towards me. He raised his sword above his head threateningly.

"Humph. This was easier than expected. It's almost like Mistress didn't trust me with a difficult job."

Before he could bring down his sword, I pulled out the potion of poison and threw it right at his gut.

He gagged and gasped and fell to the ground, the diamond blade clattering as it hit the floor. I just ran out of that room as fast as possible, ran away from whatever the hell I had just experienced. A thousand different questions raced through my head. The ones that stood out the most;

Who is Mr Ranger? Why was he carrying around Herobrine's Blade? Who was his 'Mistress'?

I ran down the corridor back to the cafeteria where my friends were seated as if nothing had happened. Well, obviously. I thought bitterly. They don't know a thing about Herobrine.

I sat back down in my seat, and told the group Mr Ranger just wanted to talk to me about fitting in some more afternoon classes. They believed me, and kept going on with the conversation I had interrupted.

I must've looked a little spooked, because Clare, Gemma and Zach all looked at me, concerned. Zach held my hand underneath the table; his firm grasp, as if he was telling me 'Don't worry, I'm here', made me feel a lot better.

The lunch bell went and we all proceeded either to our dorms or to our next class. I met Jordan in outside the Weaponry Wing, and he greeted me with a warm smile.

Archery went by in a breeze, and I could barely even remember getting home. I just remember slumping into my bed, scared and confused about the day.

All I knew was that Mr Ranger isn't who he says he is.

Something else flashed through my mind, too. Clare said that Emerald had told me to go to Mr Ranger's room (to untimely meet my death).

So that would require Emerald to have... Set me up?



Not much has happened since.

Mr Ranger is his normal self... Well, mostly. I still catch death glares from him every now and then.

But right now, that's not what was stressing me out. After living with my family for a month, it was time to move into a dorm. Of course, I don't get a choice on who I bunk with.

Here I was, standing at the front of my house with all my stuff packed. My mother was letting tears fall (ugh, embarrassing) and Tali looked annoyed to have been woken up so early. My dad was standing there, looking uncomfortable, as I said my goodbyes.

Even though, yes, he had been a bit of an arse to me, I still had my manners. I walked up to him a coughed a little awkwardly. He looked my way, and his expression was a little difficult to read.

"Goodbye, Dad." I said, deadpan. When he didn't reply I turned around to walk away, but was stopped when someone seized my wrist. I looked back at my father, who was gripping my arm and seeming to desperately want to say something. Finally, he choked, "I'm sorry."

Those words were so heartfelt, so easy to understand, that it made me feel guilty for practically ignoring him all this time. I smiled and nodded, knowing that his 'I'm sorry' meant a whole lot more than sorry. He wanted my forgiveness for every sin that he had done in his ambition for me. That's why I nodded. That was my sign of forgiveness.

After a sad goodbye to my mum and Tali's typical, 'See ya, stupid.', I was off to the university. But this time it was different. This time, it would become my home.


"Dorm Number 12, Miss Analove. Just to let you know, there are two others sharing this room. Get comfortable, see ya!" The man who had shown me to my dorm left in a flash.

I sighed. Okay, I thought. Deep breaths.

I opened the door, and what surprised me the most was the absence of mess. Mother had warned me about mess in particular.

The room had three beds, and apparently both were taken, although only one fitted that description. The room was dark and I could only see the outline of a person sitting on a desk in the right corner. I coughed politely.

"Hi there, my name's Nya. What's yours?" I asked nervously, but tried to keep that out of my tone.

The girl at the desk turned around, and I recognised her instantly. Apparently she did too.

"Nya! What are you doing here?" Clare inquired excitedly. The came over and gave me a hug. "Good, I thought I would be sharing with some other dorky loser."

I laughed and settled down on the bed on the left side. "It's good to see you. So who's our third dormie?"

Clare looked confused. "Third? I thought it was only us."

There was a soft knock on the door and Clare opened it slowly. Suddenly her voiced squeaked. "Emerald?"

The door opened up wider, and there stood a tired-looking over-packed girl with black hair and blue eyes.

So I was sharing dorms with Emerald and Clare? That's not to bad. I just hope that my suspecting of Emerald for attempted murder is completely off-track.


Ugh Homework... There's too much of it...

Sorry guys this updates a little late but my homework's been going WHOOOOSH

as in like I'm getting a lot of it

So yeah please forgive me and can I ask two things:

One: If you haven't signed up for the competition yet, WHY NOT?? GRRR

Two: Have you guys checked out the story cast yet?

So um yep... Thats about all I wanted to say...

- Jazz

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