Chapter 21: Practice Makes Perfect

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Chapter 21: Practice Makes Perfect

- Nya's POV -

"C'mon, Nya, work harder!" Zach said, his voice firm and his face impassive. In one hand held a sword that we were using in practice; only wood, so any injuries would be minamal. Not that Zach would ever hurt me, anyways.

I huffed. "I'm trying." My breathing was strained and my arms and legs were heavier than obsidian. They felt like sinking gravel.

Zach's expression went soft. "I know you are. Just practice for another half an hour or so, then we'll take a break."

We continued with exercises; ways to improve speed on your feet, easy sword techniques, ways to confuse your attacker. Basic things like that. Zach didn't want to push me too hard on the first of our training sessions.

After I had told him about Clare, he thought it would be a good idea for me to learn to defend myself, sword style. Bows were good to a certain degree, and he told me he'd feel much calmer knowing I could handle a blade. So today we started training, and can I say, it is much, much more difficult than it looks. I'd much rather prefer to stick with my favourite long-distance weapon.

After approximately three hours of practice, Zach finally said I could go home. Tired and worn-out, went home to take a nap - I'll have to do this all the time now, I thought numbly. Eventually, aided with the fact I was so utterly exhausted, I fell into a deep sleep.

Fire. That was all I could see, feel. Flames were curling around me, flickering like coals and harshly light. They were so hot they felt cold - which probably meant my nerves were being deep-fried in boiling hot oil. I tried to scream but my throat felt parched and dry; no sound came. Just a silent pleading, a call for help that awaited no answer...

I woke up in a panicked frenzy, unable to tell the difference between reality and the horrific dream. I took deep breaths, using the comfort of the familiar worn bedsheets and the messy dorm room to calm myself down enough so that I could recall the nightmare without upsetting myself. I could still feel the pain, the burn; they were a tingle on my skin, reemits from the fire and the loneliness.

I laid back down on the bed, faintly aware the time being early afternoon. Emerald and Clare were both gone; where, I haven't the slightest idea. I just hoped Emerald was okay. And that Clare was on her best behavior.

The thought of Clare, with her shining red eyes and condescending laughter. I thought of what she told me. About Herobrine and her Special Energy. About my Special Energy.

Fire Manipulation. The words sounded foreign on my tongue, as if they were something that shouldn't make sense together, but do. I remembered the feeling of fire in the dream, the sizzling pain, compared to the warmth I feel it when I conjure it from my hands. I sat up, imagining small flames of flickering yellow, willing them to appear. Once they did, and I could see and feel the warmth of the licking wisps of fire in my hands, I focussed on them disappearing. And they obeyed their order, smothering themselves out until nothing but a weak smell of smoke was left behind.

I did the same thing over and over, dancing flames appearing in my hands and then dying out when I willed them too. Controlling them got easier and easier, and before I knew it, it had been an hour and I could successfully produce bright orange sparks from my fingertips. They shimmered and blew in different ways like fireworks, giving me a strong sense of satisfaction.

"Your SE can only be mastered with practice." Clare had said. She had obviously practiced hers, since she was skilled at it. It was only a matter of time before I became better.


Once I stopped practicing (since after a while it can give you an awful headache) I decided to check on my family. I saddled Aphrodite, and waved as I passed Emily who was walking back from her weekly shop at the Market District. Every time I saw one of my friends safe and unharmed, it was like a weight had been lifted off my chest and it was easier to breathe. Just knowing that they were okay and Clare hadn't hurt them. I haven't told anyone but Zach about Clare's betrayal; who knows, it might put them in even more danger. I don't want anyone harmed because of a matter that concerns me. I'll protect them from Clare's crazy idea of revenge, even if it means keeping them in the dark.

I pulled up in front of the family house and tied Aphrodite to the front fence. She grazed on the grass, and I hoped Mum wouldn't be too annoyed about a ruined garden.

I strolled up to the front door and knocked on the hard wood, awaiting no welcome. Instead, I used the spare key whose hiding place only Tali and I knew about and unlocked the door myself.

Even to me, a girl who has been dating for several months now, this scene was uncomfortable. Harry and Tali making out, completely unaware of my existence. I shut the door almost as quickly as I had opened it. I mentally locked that image into the darkest most unused part of mind.

Since I had nothing else better to do, I sat down and leaned against Aphrodite's pale white legs. She whined and continued munching on mossy-green strands, her presence making me feel more at peace. A heard a familiar meow and turned my head to see Zazzles, perched lightly on a fence post, her black fur like sunlight shining on obsidian. She leaped and landed on the ground as light as a feather, and curled herself in my lap. I scratched under her chin and behind her ears, and soon she was purring and falling asleep. The sun was low in the sky, casting beautiful colours of orange, red and pink across the horizon. Sunsets really were perfect.

I heard the door open, murmured voices, the sound of the door clicking shut and the echoing of footsteps on gravel. Harry was leaving the house, wearing a camo jacket and plain dark jeans. He looked surprised when he saw me lounging against a horse.

"Oh! Hey Nya! Er, how long have you been there?" He said, adding the last part awkwardly.

I raised my eyebrow. "Long enough."

He grinned and looked down, cheeks pink. His brown hair was a mass of curls, covering his eyes. He looked like the same old Harry, and the sight of him like that made me physically sigh will relief. He looked at me funny before telling me that he was "probably going to be around a lot more" and that he wishes we could hang out more often. I agreed, of course, since Harry and I barely met with each other any more.

"Well, see ya, Nya." He said, opening the front gate. "Have a good one."

"Take care of my sister, dork!" I yelled as he rode away on his caramel-spotted mare. Grinning, I walked into the house and seated myself next to Tali, who was staring into space and didn't even notice I was here.

"Tals?" I asked.

"Hmmm?" Her voice was dreamy, distant. I leaned in and hissed in her ear. "Boo."

She jumped at my harsh tone, hand clutching her heart. "Notch's Computer, Nya! You scared me to death!" She wheezed, and her expression was just too hilarious. I fell off the chair laughing, Tali trying to keep her mouth from twitching and turning into a smile.

"You asked for it!" She screamed, leaping off her seat and landing next to me. She started tickling me, and I was laughing and giggling and begging for her to stop. She finally complied, after forcing me to say "Tali's the best sister in the whole wide world."

"When's Mum getting back?" I asked, and her face fell just a tiny bit.

"She's not coming home till late." She shrugged.

"Same with Dad, I'm guessing." I added.

"You must be physic."

I laid across the floor, my eyes facing the brick ceiling. "So, how are you and Harry?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at her. She laughed and ducked her head in embarrassment.

"Good." She said, her face flushed.

"Good? You're dating one of my best mates and all you've got to say is 'good'?" I inquire, wanting answers.

"He's sweet and charming and smart and understanding. He can be a bit of a dork, but that's what makes him so adorable." She hugged a woollen cushion she got from the dining room and smiled. "He's perfect." Then she shook her head as if clearing away thoughts. "What about you, Nys? How's Zach?"

"Couldn't be better." I say, although technically, it could. If only Herobrine was still a myth mothers tell their children about before bed.

Tali looked satisfied with my answer. "C'mon, let's make dinner."

Several hours, a small fire and half a meal later the moon was gleaming and the stars were light little shards of shattered glass littering the night sky. Since it was a Saturday night, I agreed to stay over and sleep in my bedroom which had been kept for occasions like these. My bed was comfy, but since I was lacking tiredness, not very appealing. Instead, staying up till three in the morning reading sounded like a much better idea. Suddenly, I heard a scream from Tali's room.

"Tali! Thalia!" I ran into the hallway and burst into my sister's room. It was pink, pretty and sparkly, with the silhouette of a shaking girl on the bed. I could hear her faintly whimpering.

"Oh, Tali." I sat on the bed and put my arms around her. She hugged back, tight, just like she used to when she was little. I whispered softly into her ear, calming her down, watching her visibly shake less. "Another nightmare?" I asked quietly.

She nodded and buried her head deeper into my shoulder. As a child, Tali would often have sleepless nights where she would wake up screaming for Mummy and Daddy and Nya and not be able to get back to sleep. She never really has grown out of it completely, but now it only happens very occasionally. I could practically feel her fear wash over me in waves.

"Shh, it's okay, Tali. It's okay. I'm here."

She started to fall back asleep, just like she always did when I was here with her after a nightmare. Her brown was flicking out in all different directions in small, fluffy pieces. Her face was gradually becoming more peaceful.

"Nya?" She murmured, almost inaudibly. "I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too, Tali."

Eventually, she fell back into sleep, and I joined her.



guys a few days ago i finished reading city of lost souls

i have never

i repeat never

have had my soul torn to bits like that before because of a book

thank you, cassandra clare. thank you very much for your extremely sadistic ways.


ANYWAYS i hope you are enjoying this story so far i have the next chapter already planned out so hopefully it will come out a lot sooner :)

QOTD: Who here can guess how this story will end?

- Jazz

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