Chapter 13: Nightmare

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Chapter 13: Nightmare



- Nya's POV -

It started out like a normal dream would; just collections of scenes that didn't make much sense. Nothing special, nothing I worried about.

But in one scene, I was back in the Nether, in Herobrine's Palace. It was just as I remembered it; hot, fiery, hellish. It was so real I completely forgot in reality I was actually asleep.

Unfortunately, it only got worse. I was standing inside a huge hall, when the sound of an enormous explosion filled the stuffy air. I could hear ghast's cries, and the explosions gradually got louder and more frequent. Suddenly, the floor beneath me shook violently and the walls fell apart. The ground under my feet collapsed, and I toppled into endless darkness.

I squeezed my eyes shut, willing myself to do something, anything. It didn't feel like a dream anymore; the terror, the fear, was all real.

When I opened my eyes, everything was black. Just... Darkness, wherever I looked. The lack of existence was making me extremely nervous and panicky.

A creepy, eerie, yet familiar cold voice echoed through the blackness. "It's good to see you again, Nya."

I froze in horror. No, it couldn't be... He was dead! Zach, Harry and I destroyed him four months ago!

But as much as I wished it untrue, I watched as something formed in the dark just ahead of me. At first, it was simply an unfocused blur; but it quickly changed into something a lot more terrifying.

Herobrine stood in front of me, his face twisted with evil delight. He still had his turquoise shirt and purple pants, and his white eyes were the only source of light in the pitch black room. He smiled and me and I shivered.

"How's life without me being there? Boring, I suppose."

I could feel my entire body trembling. No, this isn't possible, it's only a dream...

But somehow I just couldn't convince myself. Eventually I was confident enough to speak.

"You shouldn't be here. You're... You're dead. Gone." I said, my voice quivering. I took a sharp breath and pulled myself together.

Herobrine laughed. But it wasn't a happy, jolly chuckle like your friends would use, it was evil and deadly.

"I thought I told you, Nya. Herobrine cannot be destroyed." He smiled manically. "A sword to the stomach certainly can't stop me."

I gulped. "But the potion burnt you." I silently cursed myself because of my agonisingly small voice.

"Ahh, the Wither's Blood," He said matter-of-factly. "That potion was designed to suspend a Wielder's one-time use and to keep them completely under my control. It does not have the qualities to be able to kill me."

He was lying, I thought. He's dead, and this is a dream.

"You're probably wondering why I'm here," He said with a strangely tone. "Well, the last I heard someone had a little trouble hiding their powers. Something along the lines of... Flying, was it?During archery class at Bloquear University?"

I felt every inch of my body stiffen. How could he have known about that?

"Yes, Nya. As much as I hate to admit it, I did need some outside help. Someone who was particularly close to you. Someone you would trust with almost anything " He smiled devilishly. "So I hear you and Dare are a couple now? I figured... I mean, after everything I put you two through."

"Stay away from Zach." I said in a low, threatening voice. But inside I was scared to bits. Someone close to me? What, or who, in the world was he talking about?

"Well, I suppose I should give you something in return. Perhaps, a little training. You see, a Wielder's power ranges from weak to unbelievably strong. And yours, Nya, is quite high on the standards. We had experimented on the Wither's Blood before using it on you, and usually a person's powers died out after taking it. But yours are still very noticeable." Herobrine gestured to the darkness around us.

"So I'm absolutely sure you would be able to create some light if you wished to."

I was shocked, unable to move. All this information was making my head explode and my heart pound. "Wha..?"

He turned around and waved. "It was good talking to you, Nya. I know for sure we'll meet again."

And so he dissolved into the everlasting darkness, leaving me on my own.

At first, I panicked, screaming and running around like a pig being chased. I just didn't know where to go, what to do. Herobrine had said something about light... Maybe fire. I mean, I didn't understand anything he had just told me about 'Wielder' powers and such, but maybe if I wish for some light...

I shut my eyes and used all my willpower to bring forth flames. I imagined the crackling, warm mixture of orange and red which had the ability to warm even the coldest of homes. I could feel a faint tickling on my hand and slowly opened my eyes. To my surprise and horror, in my hands I was holding two, flickering balls of orange fire.

Swallowing my fear, I held the flames tightly and made my way forwards, using the fire as a torch. But no matter how far I walked, the emptiness never ended. In my worried state, I could feel the balls of heat in my hands flickering much more fiercely. I was terrified, and it didn't help that the flames grew and grew until I could no longer hold them.

Suddenly I was encased in a burning red furnace, the flames licking at my skin on every angle. I screamed, in pain and in fright. I forced myself to remember that this pain wasn't real; I was dreaming. I willed myself to wake, back in my bed, safe and warm in my apartment building with Zazzles purring while she slept. But the pain was so strong...


"Wha..? Where.. Where am I? Zach?" I called, awaiting no answer. I could feel my terror rising. "Zach!" It hurt my throat to raise my voice.

I could feel a large hand take mine and hold it tightly. "It's okay, Nya. I'm here. Shh." He cooed gently.

I instantly relaxed, feeling soft sheets beneath me. I opened my eyes, but the whiteness of the room was practically blinding. "Zach, where am I?"

I could faintly make out his outline now, seated just beside my bed. "You're in Bloquear Hospital. There was... You got caught in a fire. It was pretty bad. Stupid Arrow Head." He said quietly, using my pet name. I could feel his hand tremble. I must've worried him to bits.

"What exactly happened?" I asked, a little afraid of the answer.

Zach took a deep breath. I could see him properly now. "Your apartment complex almost completely burnt down. Luckily there were no casualties, but it was still terrible. Some horses didn't make it, though-"

I sat up as fast as lightning, even though it hurt like hell. "Aphrodite? Is she okay? And Zazzles?"

Zach nodded and I fell back onto the bed in relief. "I wonder how they got out so quickly..."

I thought for a moment, then asked, "How did the fire start? I mean, to have destroyed a whole building..." I flinched as I remembered by dream; no, my nightmare.

"No one knows. Witnesses say the complex just, caught alight."

I sighed. The fire must've been my fault. How could a problem like that have any other explanation? I'm such an idiot, panicking like that.

I realised my second most main issue at that moment with a shock. "Er, Zach? Where will I live?"

Zach hung his head. "Well, I asked the Uni to give you a dorm, since you're in such a bad situation, and they said you'd have to wait a month and a bit. Luckily, there was one other option." I noticed his mumbling. That can't be good.

I gulped. "And that option is..?"

Zach looked straight at me. "Your Mother agreed to take you."



you know what I hate maths like when are we ever gonna use geometry in real life

what the hell is wrong with adults these days

So yeah, a traitor? OOHHHH DRAMATIC I KNOW

Keep watching for next update, which will hopefully involve Harry ;) He misses you people :P


- Jazz

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