Epilogue - Herobrine's Revenge.

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Epilogue - Herobrine's Revenge.




- Nya's POV -


When Kai was born with eyes the colour of flame, I knew our worst fears had been recognised - our son had inherited my Wielder powers. We didn't really know if it was going to be possible, let alone if it had even happened before.

As the months wore on, the colour dulled down to a solid amber, which it stayed as for years. He still knows nothing about Herobrine or anything else that occured all that time ago, and both Zach and I agreed to never tell him. It was over now, and something we never, ever wanted to bring up again.

But sometimes things aren't meant to stay buried. Sometimes, if we put them off for too long, the memories will come back to haunt us in even more terrifying ways.

Herobrine's Legacy. His sister. If only I'd realised sooner.





They say that the End is a place of legend, of superstition, of old tales whispered as horror stories. They say that it's not real, never has been, that the Ender Dragon was a myth just as much as Notch's existance was.

But they're all wrong.

I do exist. I may not be that dragon you fear, the one with the strong wings, the one made of pure negative energy, but I'm close. They call me the Dragon's Child.

Because the night I was left in that pit by my brother, forgotten by my family for hours upon hours, I realised that I was wrong about life being happy and joyous and colourful and bright. No - my life was so much more. My life was a legacy of darkness.

I am the Dragon's Child; the one who was betrayed by her own flesh and blood. The one who now lives to serve a cause so much higher than herself, the cause that will bring an end to the Overworld and the suffering it brought her.

I am the darkness of the End. I am the Endermen's General. I am the Ender Dragon's hope, the centre of its dependence, its energy.

And now, I am coming.


Dun Dun Dun!!!! For those who've seen my instagram, I'm guessing the cover of Herobrine's Legacy makes much more sense now. Ya know, the End and all.

(And thanks to the people that voted and/or commented on Chapter 35 Part II, I really appriciate it)

QOTD: Which character death hurt you the most/least?

- Jazz

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