Chapter 9: Dormies & Emerald

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Chapter 9: Dormies and Emerald

- Zach's POV -

School's first day had finished, since the Sword Fight had been cancelled due to Reed's attack. Frankly, no one felt completely safe by themselves, or even with friends.

Nya had ridden Aphrodite home in a hurry, and I had taken Aslan to the university stables. He had a very ferocious appetite, so I had to feed him three apples and some sugar before he would let me leave. Finally, I made my way to dorm three, which had three beds and three desks squished into one small room.

I dropped myself onto the right-hand bed, feeling the mattress sink under my weight. I lay there for a while, trying to fall into a power nap before dinner, but failed miserably. I guess my thoughts were occupied.

I heard the door open and slam shut, but ignored it. I was too tired.

"Hey, are you awake? If you are, d'ya mind helping me with my stuff?" A voice asked me. I grunted and opened my eyes slowly.

"Who are you..?" I asked as I sat up on the bed, my vision still a little blurry.

"I'm Vent Fire (yes, I changed his last name on request), your new dormie." He said cheerfully, holding out his hand. I shook it firmly.

"Zachary Dare. But most people call me Zach." I introduced myself.

"Wow, I've heard about you! You're the famous guy who beat Ethan in a swords fight, yeah?" He asked. His upbeat-ness is making me even more tired.

"Yep. That's me." I shut my eyes, slowing down my senses. A nap wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Well, Ethan's out for revenge now. Should be interesting, considering he's gonna be living with us."

"Mmhm..." I say, drifting off into sleep. Suddenly, the door slams opened, partnered by an annoying yell.

"Alright, I don't care who you guys are, I've already decided I'm getting the left bed!"

I sat up again, squinting my eyes, to see a familiar face at the door. Groaning, I fell back into bed.

"So that means you're gonna get the middle bed since there's a guy in the other one... You've got to be kidding me. Not him."

I smiled widely at Ethan's absolutely disappointed reaction to the realization I was his dormie for the year.

"Zach Dare, pleased to meet you. Now shut up and let me sleep."

What can I say? I am an easily annoyed person.


A week had passed.

The girl who had been attacked, Mackenzie Reed, was in a stable condition in Bloquear Hospital. The Uni did their best covering the entire thing up, and did a pretty good job. Everyone was still on edge, eyes darting across the hallway, turning at every flickering shadow. It was a pretty nervous atmosphere.

But classes continued as normal. Since I was going for a Swordsmanship degree, I had plenty of free time on my plate. Nya, on the other hand, was much more busy. She had lessons three out of five days and spent the other two studying in the huge university library or shooting targets. Of course, that left the weekend completely unbooked. I smiled. I was looking forward to some 'us' time.

Checking the clock from inside my dorm room, I realized my class met in ten minutes at the Arena.

"Sorry I'm late, Sir."

Mr Kingston gave me a hard glare before spitting, "First warning, Dare. Another couple and you'll be kicked out of Expert Class."

Kingston continued with his explanation of the best way to kill a zombie. I honestly tried to listen, but really, I already knew all this stuff and hearing it all again didn't really appeal to me at the moment. So I just spaced out until Kingston called a warm-up. I felt a familiar adrenaline rush through my body; I could really use a chance to swing my sword around a little.

"Alright, you four. Two on two - Dare versus Grace, and Hawley versus Captor. Be gentle; remember, this isn't a proper fight."

Ethan sent me a side wards glance that looked a lot like he wanted to be battling me instead of Emily. Shrugging, I retrieved one of the school's swords and turned to my opponent.

Emerald Grace; a pretty yet deadly mix of black wavy hair and aqua eyes. Although her blue orbs were piercing, she radiated a rather timid aura. But that didn't change the way she worked with that sword of hers. She had been the best fighter in Mr Belgium's group.

The warm-up was controlled, mostly smashing blades together to get into the swing of things. It didn't last too long; and soon Kingston put as threw back-breaking drills and treacherous activities. I was actually glad when the session was over.

"I'll see you four tomorrow. And don't be late!" (I swear he directed this at me.)

We returned back inside the Wing to drop off out weapons, and go home for a well deserved rest.


- Emerald's POV -

I had heard Zach was an amazing fighter; only now, after several training sessions for our Swordsmanship degree, do I really understand just how amazing.

He fought with such speed and strength, and a rhythm many swordsmen can never fully master. Not to mention those gorgeous looks *fans face*.

But I had my own problems to worry about, what with Nico and Niall (guys don't hate me for this it was requested - u owe me Emerald) who will be waiting for me back in the dorms. Yes, dorms; I was too poor for an apartment.

The Uni must've ran out of space, since now I'm sharing a room with two boys. At least they could mind their manners. Nico was dark but sweet and Niall's blue eyes always sent shivers up my spine. Oh, did I mention that we're all childhood friends? And that they've both confessed to me? Ah, teen drama *fans face excessively*.

Well, back to reality, we were walking back to the Wing when Zach came up to me.

"Hey? You're Emerald, right? Nice name! How old are you?"

I could feel my face growing warm. Oh Gods no. "Eigh-eighteen." I stuttered. Damn myself and my stupid cute-boy phobia to the depths of Tartarus.

"Nice. I'm nineteen. Are you living in a dorm as well?"

"Er y-yes." I say quietly. I mentally squeeze my eyes shut.

"Cool." he said as we placed the swords back into the walls. "Well, I've gotta go meet my girlfriend in the library. See ya round!" He yells over his shoulder as he runs out of the Wing. The sides of my mouth slowly creep up into a smile; this boy seems nice, at least.

I walked slowly out of the Weaponry Wing, praying to Zeus that Nico and Niall wouldn't go all possessive and fight again. I really do hate teen drama.


Special thanks to EmeraldGrace, for her character, Emily Day *cough* I mean Emerald Grace.

And to Sarahmml for Emily Day, thanks you guys :)

And yes, this chapter I did an outside character's POV. This is a free country guys I can do what I want

(oh btw Emerald it HoH comes out in only a few hours I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight)

I will publish another chapter on Wednesday (then on Saturday, and the pattern continues)


- Jazz

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