Chapter 15: Runaway Student

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Chapter 15: Runaway Student

- Nya's POV -

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?" I asked sternly. Tali doesn't usually keep secrets from me.

She started whining. "I'm sorry, Nys*! It's not like we've gone on a date or anything yet, and he knows you and you know him so it'll be fine-"

"Relax." I interrupted. "I trust Harry with looking after you. He's a good guy. But if he does anything to hurt you," I raised a fist, "I'll beat the daylights out of him."

Tali laughed softly. "Thanks, Nys." She leaned over the bed and gave me a big sisterly hug.

"I'm sorry for keeping secrets." She murmured. Then she looked up at me, with surprisingly a knowing glint in her eye. "You're not hiding anything from me, are you, Nya?"

I shook my head nervously. "Not a thing." I lie. It's probably better if Tali doesn't know about the whole Wielder issue. It'll save her from some sleepless nights.

She studied my expression before saying, "Okay then. See ya round." And leaving my bedroom.

I huffed loudly and fell backwards onto the bed. The nightmare about Herobrine still troubled me; not to mention the fire. Fire... Just looking at the burning, flickering flames made my heart race, and not in a good way. I was too afraid to think deeply about it.


Today was my first day back at Uni since the accident. My burns had disappeared completely, my hair grown back to nearly the same length, so that now you could barely tell I had been stuck in a deadly blaze.

I arrived at the Potions class a little earlier than planned, but luckily Clare was sitting outside and waiting for Mr Ranger to start the lesson. Jose was there too, along with some others. I walked up to Clare, and before I could ask how she'd been she handed me at least five sheets of paper.

"Just some notes I took down for you while you were away. I'm pretty sure Emily has some too."

I smiled widely and gave Clare a hug. "Thank you!"

She coughed softly. "Er, Nya? Turn around."

I did as I was told, and my sight was greeted by a familiar face of a certain potions teacher. He looked at me sternly. "Good morning, Miss Analove. And how has your little holiday been?"

I opened my mouth to say that I hadn't been on holiday, rather recovering in hospital. But I thought the better of talking back to a teacher. "Good, sir." I said politely and he invited us into the classroom.

I sat down in my usual spot, between Clare and Emily. Jose sat opposite us, along with three other classmates, a girl with brown hair and glasses called Olivia, a red-head named Lillian and another boy, Brody, who had an odd taste in fashion.

I liked our 'table'. I was lucky that Elizabeth Glass wasn't here to ruin it, like she does a lot of things (Emily told me that while I was away, Liz wanted to get me kicked out of the Uni, or something along those lines. I really do hate her, and vice-versa)

So anyways, Mr Ranger was giving us lectures about how to brew the perfect healing potion when I saw a figure in the hallway window. Hang on, that figure looked familiar. Aqua eyes and wavy black hair...

What was Emerald doing outside my class?

I knew for a fact that she and Zach should be in the Weaponry Wing at this moment in time, so it seemed strange she'd be out of class. She looked like she was in a rush, too. She had been running down the hall so fast I could barely catch a glance. Her arms held no books, which meant that she wasn't going to any other classes. Hm... Strange. I didn't tell any of the guys at the table about it, since they might think me crazy. So I put the incident in the back on my mind.

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