Chapter 32: Loose Ends

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Chapter 32: Loose Ends





- Nya's POV -


"Let's begin, then." Herobrine shut his eyes for a a few moments, as if bracing himself. Then he looked right at me and began speaking again.

"I knew you were a Wielder before I even met you. Wielders are special - unique beings with a history even I don't understand. They're born with the internal power, but only I can unlock it." he said in an even voice, watching me as he spoke.

"So they're predetermined?" I asked.

He nodded. "Destiny, I suppose. I'm not sure. Anyhow, when I found out that you were beginning to work for the IEM and shipped out to a jungle, I figured it would have been an excellent place to finally Turn you - bring out the Wielder side of you and use it to my advantage, as I've done with all past Wielders. There have been hundreds and hundreds of them scattered throughout history. Sometimes, I can't get to them all, so I leave them be. I usually choose the most powerful ones to Turn."

"And by Turning, you mean the creepy sword thing." I said, basing myself off the limited facts of my own 'Turning'.

"Well, yes. The sword is what really brings forth a Wielder's energy. That, and the Sangue Rosso. But you were the first to try that."

A question, one that I've always had at the back of my mind, became clear again. "Why me? I mean, if there really are hundreds of Wielders around, why'd you try the Sangue Rosso on me?"

Suddenly, Herobrine's face twisted with rage. Then it became emotionless, and as was his voice when he spoke: "Why? Why? Because, Nya, from almost the first time I met you, I loved you. There were two options: Turn you and use you once like I would a normal Wielder, or experiment with the potion and hopefully keep you immortal, or at least alive. I chose the second option. And now I wish I hadn't, because you ran away with that blonde fox!" The last sentence caused his voice to pick up volume, anger and betrayal showing through his seemingly statue-like disguise.

And as weird as it was, I felt guilty.

But then I remembered all the things he has done, the things he will do. All the people he's hurt - the other Wielders, their families, the hoards of innocents he's murdered for the only cause of trying to fill some empty hole in his soul. And not only that, but Emily, and Tali, and Notch knows who else.

"You don't seem like the kind of thing," I spat, "to be able to love."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "It doesn't matter now. You betrayed me, and now all I feel is a burning hatred. Now do you understand why I want you dead, Nya?"

I didn't reply.

He sighed in annoyance. "I'm regretting agreeing to this 'final wish' business."

"Too late now, Herobrine. You've already agreed."

"Very true." He relaxed his tense posture on the seat and started speaking again, although much calmer. "Unfortunately, the brewer I hired to create the Sangue Rosso died years ago. I only found out recently, after I sent Clare to fetch the new upgraded potion from him. The one I used on you, I realised, I was imperfect. You being able to break out of its hold thus proves that.

"Wielders whom I awaken with only the sword only last one attack. After that, their energy is used up and they fade. Die. So I came up with the idea of the Sangue Rosso as a solution to my problem - an everlasting, over-powered army that could completely obliterate society. The catch being that the army couldn't be 'everlasting' if the soldiers kept continuously dying out. Wielders are very rare, and can't be wasted."

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