Chapter 19: Mind Manipulation

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Chapter 19: Mind Manipulation

- Nya's POV -

"Oh yes, Nya. It's me," she said, her black hair shining and reflecting the flames and her eyes glimmering with evil. They were usually a deep, navy blue, but now they were the colour of blood.

My stomach sunk. "Clare..."

She grinned her all too familiar smile. "Did I surprise you?" She asked with fake innocence, her voice laid with something I couldn't quite recognise.

"You sure did." I said, trying my hardest to keep my composure while my knees were shaking and my head was spinning. Clare's face was one of evil happiness and pride, while mine was probably filled with fear. She laughed in icy amusement, something Clare would never do. I fought to speak; wanting to ask questions but afraid of the answers.

Mackenzie was shaking as well, and her tears were falling down her face in small waterfalls. She was clutching onto my arm, half hidden behind me, deathly afraid of the person standing in front of us. Clare's red eyes glared at Mackenzie, and her terrifying stare made her whimper in fear.

"Stupid girl. You told me you could keep a secret," Clare hissed, her tone angered.

Mackenzie shivered. Then she swallowed and said, "I wasn't going to sit back and watch you try and kill another person."

Clare gave a sly smile, but her eyes flashed with annoyance. "I'd prefer it if you'd shut up now, Reed." Then she waved her hand in the the air, and Mackenzie dropped to the ground. I screamed and kneeled down beside her, but calmed down a little when I saw the normal rise and fall of her chest. She looked like she was sleeping.

I turned on Clare, anger radiating of me in waves. "What did you do to her?" I demanded, yelling at a now laughing Clare. When she finally stopped her fit, she glanced at me.

"Oh yes, you must be wondering what is happening, and what has happened, Nya," she taunted, but  it was not a friendly tease. "Allow me to explain."

She stepped to the right revealing a table and two chairs. I reluctantly took a seat, while she took the other opposite and across the bench. Clare sighed lightly, and leaned back on the chair, crossing her legs. I felt my muscles tense at the sight of her blood-red orbs; a reminder that the girl sitting in front of me was not Clare Jones.

"Well, where should I start?" she teased, her tone hinting mocking amusement. She pulled out from behind her a glittering diamond sword I recognised straight away. I gulped.

"The beginning," I muttered bitterly.

She grinned her un-Clare-like grin. "Fair enough."


"I'm sure you knew what this sword was as soon as you laid eyes on it. Herobrine's Sword. The most deadliest and valuable weapon in the entire world of Minecraftia.

         "You see, a week and a bit after the first potions lesson I'm sure you remember very clearly, I went to the library for some peace. What I didn't expect there was Herobrine himself. Well, not his true form; just his voice, echoing off the book shelves.

         "He explained to me all about how how his body was destroyed by the one he had trusted. He trusted this girl, and she repaid him by stabbing him in the back. He told me about Wielders; about their powers, and their one-time use. On his suggestion, I found Herobrine's Sword. He said I was the new Wielder. We practiced using my powers, and then he asked me to get revenge on the girl who had betrayed him.

         "Her name is Nya Analove, he said. I was surprised, since you seemed so kind and innocent when I first met you. But I trusted Herobrine; he was doing all he could to help me. Even though he had no body, he was trying. Which is more than anyone ever did.

         "I trusted him more than I trusted you.

         "I'm sure you haven't heard of a Wielder's Special Energies. Or SEs. When Wielders take full use of their powers, either if they are part-way through their single use or when they drink the Sangue Rosso, the potion Herobrine created, a certain trait is visible.

         "This trait is a power; it could be control of a certain element, or invisibility, or in my case, manipulation. All Wielders have basic powers. Super-speed, unusual quick healing, increased strength, maybe flight. A Wielder may have more than one SE; although that is highly unlikely. I heard you have Fire Manipulation. Yes, Nya. Herobrine knows many things. You're eyes are blue instead of red because you do not yet have full control of your SE. They are red a few weeks after drinking the Sangue Rosso, and eventually the colour wears off. It will only be permanent if you master the control of your SE. My navy eyes have been contacts for ages. And your SE will only be mastered with practice.

         "I hold the SE of Mind Manipulation. Meaning, I have the ability of control one's actions, but not their thoughts. This energy only works on those with weak minds; those who have a thin psychic shield. That is how the potions teacher, Mr Ranger, was able to fall under my control.

         "Sometimes, though, the people affected by the energy can fight back. You may remember when that happened to Sir, perhaps? The same thing happened with Emerald.

         "She wasn't the one who stabbed Zach. I was the one who made her do that. It was all apart of the revenge; to hurt the person most close to you. It was a shame he didn't die. Emerald fought back at the last moment. I released her from the manipulation as soon as the blade struck. As I said, thoughts aren't controlled, only physical movements, so she was terrified of herself afterwards. But it was all apart of the plan.

"You needed to suspect someone else. I knew you would find out eventually, but Emerald was the distraction from what was really in front of you; Clare Jones, the Wielder of Mind Manipulation. You are a very powerful Wielder, Nya, so I knew I had to keep my identity a secret. Until now. I'm sure you cannot believe what you a hearing, but it's all true.

"I would kill you right here, right now, but the revenge still hasn't finished. You are Nya Analove, Wielder of Fire and the one Herobrine now hates the most. He asked me to finish the job, and finish it I shall. The Clare you knew for these past few months is no more; she never existed. It was all an act, every last detail. Herobrine is my life now. Completing his revenge is what I live for.

         "That was the reason Mackenzie was so afraid of me; it was I who attacked her that day, in an attempt to murder her. She saw me talking to Herobrine; saw me trying out my SE on Mr Ranger. She had to die. But she got away, and I knew the time I had to kill her had passed. So I made her swear not to tell anyone of my identity as a Wielder. That deal-breaker.

         "You should be... Watchful. And keep an eye out for your friends, too. They are all apart of the plan. Remember, Nya. Herobrine cannot be destroyed."


This was all too much. It was Clare, all along? Everything? The attack on Mackenzie, the strange behaviour of Mr Ranger, Zach getting stabbed? No, no, this couldn't be happening. Clare was my friend. She would never hurt anyone. It must be Herobrine's fault. He must be brainwashing her with lies, like the lie that I had betrayed him. I had cussed at her when she spoke about that, and could barely control my fist from striking her face when she told me she had wished Zach would have died. I can't imagine a life without him, as cliché as that sounds. But it's true.

There was no way she was hurting anyone of my friends. Not Harry, not Emily, not Gemma, not Vent or Ethan or Emerald. No one was going to be hurt because of a revenge aimed at me. I wouldn't let it happen.

Clare had disappeared along with the sword, and Mackenzie had immediately woken up. She told me how sorry she was the didn't tell me about Clare earlier. But I shushed her, explaining that I didn't blame her for keeping such a secret.

I knew I had to tell Zach about all of this, as soon as possible. Everything. The entire story of Clare's traitorous scheming and Herobrine's use of her.

But most of all, I had to protect him and the others.

I was the only one who could.


(So basically Clare was the badie all along, and she's mastered the SE of Mind Manipulation)

[for your information a Wielder's eyes are only white if Herobrine is using them for only one use]

Oh don't worry, there's still plenty more twists and turns in upcoming chapters :)

Everything's planned out.

Thank you EthanGoesMC for his almost accurate guess about, like, everything!

The next update will be the announcement of the competition winner, and that will be on the 25th of November at around 5pm Australian EST. Good luck to all the entrants!!

- Jazz

Herobrine's Revenge (The Wielder Chronicles Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now