Chapter 7: Bullseye

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Chapter 7: Bullseye

- Nya's POV -

Everyone except for me had taken their three shots, and so far no one has gotten a bullseye. The fact that the target was so, so far away probably explained it.

"Nya Analove, you're up next." Mr Slayer called.

Taking a relaxing deep breath, I stood up and took my place behind the fence marking where I had to shoot from, ignoring the hushed whispers from other students. I took three arrows and a bow, measuring it's strength carefully.

"You can shoot now, Miss Analove." I heard Mr Slayer's voice, but chose to keep it out of my head. I could feel his stare, along with everyone else's burning into my back. I could tell they didn't expect much of me. Well, I'll definitely prove them wrong.

I pulled back the bow with all my strength, aimed, and released. My arrow flew threw the air at an amazing speed, the arrowhead piercing the red part of the target, just off a bullseye. Damn it, Nya.

A little disappointed but encouraged by my peer's shocked gasps that I didn't screw up badly, I took my next shot, concentrating harder this time. And boy, it certainly paid off, with a shot in the centre yellow section, just off a direct hit in the smack middle of the target.

I really took my time with my third and final shot. I took several deep breaths and cleared my head before releasing the strings. It soared through the air, cutting through the oxygen as if it were made of silk.

It hit the target directly in the middle. I threw my arms up in the air and screamed, "Yes!", before quickly redeeming myself. I was still bubbling with excitement as I sat back down.

"Well done Nya, a top-of-the-class score. Keep it up." Mr Slayer said, addressing the class instead of me.

"Now, for the final challenge, I want to test any sword skills you may or mayn't have." He held up his hands, shushing any complaints from students. "Yes, I know some of you don't learn Swordsmanship, but I figured it could help in my analysis. i suggest you all learn the basics very quickly, because we'll start in ten minutes."


Well, to put in plainly, I sucked. Not too badly, but still.

If you were to divide the class into the people-who-can-use-swords group and the people-who-can't-use-swords-group, I would probably be the best out of the latter.

Practically the entire class was learning Swordsmanship as a secondary course, so I felt a little out of place. Luckily, I had Emily and Jordan to talk to.

Jordan was the nice guy who stopped me from banging my head on the ground when I fainted a little while ago. His name is Jordan Glass, and boy is he handsome. He's learning Archery and Potions (oddly, same as I am) and seems like a pretty friendly bloke. We sat and talked for a while, and he explained how he lived in a dorm and came to the Uni with his sister, Liz.

"So, what about you? Got a special someone out there?" He asked me, wriggling his eyebrows. I laughed, enjoying myself for the first time in a few hours.

"Yeah, my boyfriend. Zach Dare. We went through some pretty... Hellish experiences but we've been together three months now."

Jordan's mouth dropped open. "Wait, THE Zach Dare? Like the pro-swordsman Zach Dare? Wow! Can you get his autograph for me?" He begged, pulling together a pretty adorable puppy face. I heaved a sigh and brushed my hand past my face. "Fine, fine. I'll ask him for you. But you owe me."

And then there was Emily Day, the archer-tomboy. She had brown hair and a hoodie she liked to keep pulled up over her face. She was a year older than me, nineteen, but was pretty nice.

"Have any pets?" She asked, hands stuffed into her creeper-hoodie pockets.

"Er, yep, two. My horse Aphrodite and my cat Zazzles." Suddenly her eyes lit up. "You have a cat too? That's so cool! I have one; it's name is Fern." And we talked until Mr Slayer called lunch break.


- Zach's POV -

The Cafeteria was huge, and I guess it would have to be, considering the amount of students here. I couldn't see Nya over the hundreds of other faces. I was able to hear snippets of conversations;

"Hey, did you hear about the cow that killed it's owner yesterday?"

No, but that really brightened up my day.

"Who do you think is the hottest this year?"

It's no competition. I'd win hands down.

"Did you hear what happened in the Archery Class? They say a girl flew, like, literally flew. What was her name, Nya Analove or something like that?"

Wait... What?

"Nya? Nya, Christ, where are you?" I called out across the cafeteria.

"Over here!" I here a familiar yell from the other side of the room, and ran over to join it. Nya was standing there, tray full of food, looking annoyed and a little claustrophobic.

"Hey, Bow Brain, how've you been?" I ask, lightly kissing the top of her head. She sighed dramatically. "Wonderful. Perfect. Over the moon."

Uh-oh. That obviously met something was wrong.

We found a table near the corner of the cafeteria and sat there, eating our bread and roast potatoes like they were the last pieces of food in Minecraftia. So yeah, fast.

"So, what's this I hear about a first year flying through an obstacle course?" I ask, mouth full of potato.

Nya huffed. "It wasn't like that." She complained as she stared out the window.

"Nya." I reply sternly, seizing her attention. "What exactly happened?"

"Er, well I was falling, 'cos we were doing parkour and... Never mind. Well, I kind of... Floated?" She finished on a high note, mouth still full. How unladylike. But Nya never was very ladylike in the first place.

"Nya, it was probably your Wielder powers kicking in." I said, seriously. Sometimes, after the death of Herobrine, Nya would have 'lapses', where her powers would come back in small amounts, like super-speed or the ability to fly.

"I know, I know. But there was another thing. Either I have pyrophobia*, or whenever I look at fore my head gets filled with creeps voices and white eyes." Nya shook, still staring wide-eyed out the window.

"Hey, Herobrine's never coming back. Don't let the nightmares scare you, Nya. I promised I would protect you from him. Besides, he's dead already. He can't ever come back."

But looking at Nya's frightened eyes, I felt a flicker of doubt form in my mind.


* pyrophobia is the fear of fire.

Chapter 7, finished!!

I dunno if this is necessary but every other fanfic is doing it:

Dear Disclaimer,

I do not own any part of Minecraft and never will. All I own are MY own charactets.

Oh, and thank you Sarahmml for Emily Day. She'll definitely be used more any the story (oh and btw, what colour are her eyes and what's her cat's gender?)

May the odds be ever in your favour,

- Jazz

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