Chapter 17: Reed's Back

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Chapter 17: Reed's Back

- Nya's POV -

I've been through a lot of things. I've survived 17 years of family. I've fought Herobrine. I've been to the Nether and back.

But nothing prepared me for the hardships of dorm life.

"Emra!? Where are my Potions notes?" Clare called from her desk, using Emerald's nickname. She sat on my bed, still under she sheets. Why does Clare get up so early every damn morning?

Emerald groaned from her bed. "Somewhere..." She murmured and stuffed her face into her pillow in a rather harsh way. Clare huffed and snapped her fingers awfully loudly beside Emerald's ear.

"I asked, 'where are they?' So answer the question, Miss Grace."

Emerald turned around, eyeing Clare fearfully. She reluctantly pointed to a pile of fabric on the floor, the action seemingly to difficult for her. "There." The mumbled before falling back asleep.

I giggled quietly. Emerald was a real deep sleeper; it took us ages to wake her up every morning. And then, once we finally did drag her out of bed, she would take several hours for her to stop yawning. Clare, on the other hand, acted as if she had an everlasting amount of energy. I was kind of in between; I would sleep in till 2pm if I had the chance, but otherwise it took me around 10 minutes to get out of bed.

Dorm rooms were hard to keep under control, but it was worth it. I loved hanging out with Clare and Emerald. Although, I was constantly finding myself thinking about the 'incident' around Emerald, which always gave me a grave sense of guilt. I mean, Emerald is very nice and caring and I know the others like her too. It didn't feel right that I was mentally accusing her of something I had very little evidence against. So I decided to put it at the back of my mind.

A few hours and several classes later, the eight of us were sitting at our usual table on the side of the room, eating our lunches which mainly consisted of cooked chicken. Ethan and Zach were arguing about something worthless like always, Vent and Emerald were discussing sword techniques and Clare, Emily and I were disagreeing with what we had for homework. I looked over at Elizabeth Glass, who was busy gossiping with her friends down at the 'popular' table. I noticed that sitting next to Liz was a girl who I didn't recognise. She bore Emerald's features; her long hair and aqua blue eyes. Only her hair was lighter, and her face more solemn.

I poked Emily's shoulder. "Who's that?" I asked, confused. I thought I knew most people in this university.

Emily followed my gaze, wide-eyed. "Oh! I didn't realise Mackenzie was back!"

I faintly remembered the name Mackenzie, but that's all that came to me. Just a name. I gave Emily a helpless look.

She huffed. "You know, Mackenzie Reed? The girl that was attacked at the start of the year?"

I recalled the incident with a snap. It must of shown, because Emily continued with her explanation.

"She just came back today, and rumour has it they still haven't caught the attacker. She's one of Elizabeth's followers."

Looking at her, I could see why. She was very pretty, in a cute, petite kind of way. No wonder she was popular (especially the boys, I guessed). Only, she didn't seem to be participating with her groups discussion, which surprised me. Usually Elizabeth Glass' friends were the biggest rumour-spreaders in the school.

Next class was archery, and as usual we spent the first half of the lesson as target practice. Turns out, Mackenzie was a skilled archeress*; and good friends with Jordan. Since I hung out with Jordan a lot during these particular periods, I was able to talk with Mackenzie. She was shyer than I had originally guessed.

"So, what are your hobbies, Mackenzie?" I had asked cheerfully, attempting to brighten up the overcast mood Mackenzie had brought with her.

She shrugged a reply. "I read."

I smiled widely. "Really? I do, too? Have you read The Immortal Gadgets**?"

She kept her face straight. "Yes." She said flatly, thus crushing any chance of continuing our 'conversation'.

Jordan and I were paired for a technique exercise, so I took the chance to ask a few questions about little Miss Shy. First being if she were always like that.

"No," Jordan started, looking thoughtful. "She used to be really loud and open. She was always happy. Since the attack, she's just had this quiet, depressing aura around her."

"Has she actually spoken to anyone about the attack? Like who did it, or-"

"She hasn't said a word. Not while she was in hospital, or at school. No one can squeeze anything out of her."


Potions theory was boring, as always. Clare had forgotten to remind me of a bit of homework, so I was assigned a detention (which, obviously I wouldn't attend, since Mr Ranger would be there). Not much happened; there was another mini-exam (I hate those so much) and of course, Emily was top-of-the-class. I figured.

Clare had left to go to the bathroom, and she had been gone quite a while. Knowing her, she was sitting in a cubicle, quietly drawing. Or maybe writing.

Emily and I weren't doing much, just practicing some basic brewing skills. Mr Ranger had recently taught us how to master the creation of a speed potion, so I was trying that out. Suddenly, Mr Ranger called me over to his desk, a dark light in his eye.

Uh oh. This can't be good.


Zach's POV

After lunch, Ethan, Emerald, Ashley *** and I took our places in front of Mr Kingston in the Weaponry Wing arena. The weather was oddly cold, and the air held a strange presence; almost as if it were waiting for something to unfold.

"Okay, now, warm-ups. Dare on Grace and Hawley on Captor. Remember to play nice, this is a practice."

Emerald and I faced each other, swords at the ready. I noticed hers was particular... Shiny, as if it were new. It reflected the dull sunlight brighter than any other blade. Strange, she must've bought a new one, although I know for a fact Emerald was quite poor. All well, don't question it.

Emerald and I started fighting, and immediately I knew something was wrong. Emerald usually fights in a sort of defensive pattern, preferring to make small but quick attacks when the opponent was confused. She liked to use her speed to her advantage.

But this time, Emerald was in full-frontal attack mode. She swung the sword in front of her chest, charging at me with her immense speed. I deflected the blade easily, but she quickly recovered and landed a blow to my side. My breath was knocked out of my lungs and I fell to the ground in a painful heap. I was aware of a burning pain where the sword had struck; a pain I knew all too well. When I turned my head to inspect the wound, I realised there was blood forming a pool next to me.

Mr Kingston walked over, his gaze annoyed and stern. He turned to Emerald, who was still clutching her diamond blade's hilt tightly. Her face was plastered with horror and guilt.

"Grace," Mr Kingston said, his tone heavy with disappointment. "I told you, this is a practice session, and that you were meant to play nice. Please stay back after class and explain your disobedient behaviour."

Emerald still looked shocked and upset. "I...I..." Then she ran off, taking her very painful blue shining sword with her.

I probably looked shocked and upset, too. I mean, Emerald had just tried to hurt me real bad. Like, seriously hurt me. Is Emerald really someone who would do such a thing?

A week ago, I would have denied it straight away, but now that I was here and drenched in my own blood that she spilt, I wasn't so sure.


* Not even sure if archeress is a word :P

** See what I did there? Im currently reading TMI (UPDATE: IM WAITING FOR THE LAST BOOK AND DYING)

*** Okay guys, I realised when a reader reminded me that Emily's potions and swordsmanship classes clashed, so instead I've made Ashley Captor the 4th member of the Expert Class. (thank you DawnDakota)

Guys, I have a couple announcements to make this author's notice!!

First being that there is a week until the competition close, so theres plenty more time to enter!





Keep reading,

- Jazz

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