Chapter 18: It can't be...

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Chapter 18: It can't be . . .


- Nya's POV -

"Yes, sir?" I asked Mr Ranger in forced politeness, narrowing my eyes.

His eyes suddenly turned bright and panicky, and he rushed through his sentence. "Miss Analove, please leave here. Get as far away as you can!"

I could feel my eyes widening in surprise. I mean, this was Mr Ranger, the crazy potion teacher who had attacked me in the classroom with Herobrine's Sword we were talking about. And now he was warning me?

When I tried to interrupted, he raised his hands to shush me. "No, listen, Nya. You need to get out of this place. It's not safe for you!" His hands were clenched and he shut his eyes tightly, as if he were fighting something in his head.

"Er, Mr Ranger, are you okay?" I inquired nervously, taking a step back. Suddenly his eyes snapped up to mine, gleaming with fear.

"No! You don't understand! The Mistress, she... She's one of your..." He stuttered, looking like he was going to throw up. Then his tone changed and he smiled at me.

"Sorry for that, Miss Analove. You can go back to your seat now." He glanced back to the desk behind me, gesturing for me to leave. Mr Ranger's change in character had surprised me more than I'd like to admit, and I really just wanted to get away from him. I stumbled back to my seat next to Emily and the still absent Clare.

What shocked me the most was that Mr Ranger had tried to warn me of something, and boy did he sound scared. Something along the lines of 'she's one of your...'. One of my what? Classmates? Family members? Friends? Teachers?

I had no idea, and it was hurting my brain to come up with explanations. I decided I would tell Zach afterschool, and hopefully he'd have some comforting words. I also decreed that from then on I would be particularly careful about the people I'm around.


~~ 2 DAYS LATER ~~

Zach had helped me with forgetting the incident, but I could tell something was bothering him too. I was shocked to hear that sweet little Emerald who couldn't hurt a fly had actually stabbed Zach and then ran off. It made me want to punch her, as bad as that sounds. I also inwardly decided to confront her about it, and explain to her that assaulting my could result in a few broken bones or several severe burns.

Zach had calmed me with a kiss to the cheek and a promise he would help me out whenever I asked. I was so grateful for his caring personality; plus, he also took me out for dinner that night. Double grateful.

The next morning, however, was pretty messed up.

I woke up, missing Zazzles (who was being kittysat at my parent's place) and exhausted from lack of sleep. I grumpily pulled together my Literature books, ignoring Clare's nasty comments about my bed hair and Emerald in general. I was late to class, and my English teacher was not pleased. In fact, she gave me a detention. So far, not a very good day.

It got worse.

When I had confronted Emerald for stabbing Zach, she had gone all teary eyed and sad. She told me sorry, but I could tell she was hiding something; it was in her expression, her voice, her posture. Even I, the self-awarded densest person in Bloquear, could tell. And that was saying something. I had decided to avoid her as much as I could, since seeing her filled me with a desire to hurt someone or break something.

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