Chapter 8: Liz Glass

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Chapter 8: Liz Glass

- Nya's POV -

"Ah, so you're the flying girl everyone's talking about."

"For the last time, I wasn't flying." I mutter softly, looking up.

A girl around my age was standing up next to mine and Zach's table, with two other girls behind her like helpless little wolves that follow you around everywhere.

"I'm Elizabeth Glass; you'd better remember me." The girl spoke with her chin up. She had heavy black eyeliner and ugly flecky eyes with the most dyed banana-blonde hair I had ever seen.

"How could I forget, with an ugly face like yours?" I retort, ignoring her shocked gasp. I looked back down at my food, acting uninterested. She slammed her fist down on the table, attracting more attention than I would have liked.

"Now listen here, you little slut-" She began insulting me, only to be interrupted by Zach.

"Don't talk trash about my girlfriend." He said, icily calm. His eyes looked ablaze with anger. I don't get it, it was only a dumb blonde insult. Didn't hurt, no need to overreact.

Elizabeth made a high-pitched "ooh" and turned to get a closer look at Zach. "And you must be Zach Dare, the famous swordsman. Even cutter than I expected. I here you beat Ethan Hawley; great job." She winked at him, and then stalked off with a horrendous cackle, her friends following her footsteps.

"Only one word needed. W-o-w." I said, and Zach and I laughed.

"Sorry bout my sister guys. She can be a little - well okay a lot - annoying sometimes." I looked up to see Jordan Glass standing beside the table. Oh yeah, he said he had a sister called 'Liz'. Hm. She wasn't exactly what I expected.

"Don't worry about it. Stuff like this has happened before." With a snap, I remembered, pulling a piece of paper and a quill from my backpack.

"Zach, sign this, please." Looking slightly startled, Zach wrote his signature down of the sheet, and I handed it to Jordan. Jordan looked happy, so I explained to Zach about the autograph I had promised him. He had only shaken his head and laughed good-naturedly. That's what I love about him.

Only a few minutes after Jordan left out table, there was a loud panicked yell heard from the double-door entrance to the cafeteria.

"Help, someone, help! There's a girl lying on the ground, covered in blood!"

The room erupted into frightened screams (I swear I heard Elizabeth's high-pitched one over the rest). I followed the crowd of people to where the girl apparently was. The teachers had already treated her and were taking her away in a minecart bed (bit like a stretcher you push). I could hear the student's hushed whispers even from the back of the crowd.

"It's Mackenzie Reed."

"I hope she's okay."

"I wonder how it happened?"

"Apparently she was talking to herself."

"Really? What was she saying?"

"From what I've heard, she was muttering some nonsense about white eyes."

I stopped on the spot. Zach must've heard too, because he was still and becoming pale.

Just what had happened to this girl?


Sorry awesomegirl8820, for almost murdering your character the first time we meet her...

I just realized this chapter is really short *facepalms*

Well, I hope you are enjoying so far!!

And yes, it will get more Herobrine-related in upcoming chapters.

Next chapter release on Saturday! (or earlier if I feel like it)

- Jazz

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