Chapter 27: Tali Analove, Part II

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Chapter 27: Tali Analove, Part II


- Nya's POV -

It was 1:30 when lunch finished, and I stayed in my dorm, waiting for Mackenzie to find me for about fifteen minutes. But then Clare came back, and I got out of there as quickly as I could, not wanting to be around her. I went down to my second favourite place on campus - the Weaponry Wing.

It reminds me of the days I spend here, practicing with Zach. Just the two of us, no one else to talk to, to listen to, to take orders from. Just us, and the lonely wind.

I took a bow and a set of arrows and begun shooting at the large target in the Archery corner of the wing. Every time I poised the bow to aim, I would imagine Herobrine's face as the centre of the target. What can I say - it certainly helped me to shoot straight.

When it finally got to 4:30, the time when every class going on around the school finished, I went back to the dorm, hoping Mackenzie would be there.

But Alas, Karma seemed to have hated me that afternoon - because once I got back, only Emerald was there, quietly reading a novel on her bed. I was becoming nervous, sitting around, waiting for Kenz to show up - I kept figgeting, moving, until Emerald told me to chill. I couldn't stop thinking about this "bad news" she had talked about - something we get a lot of now.

There was a knock on the door, and I answered it swiftly. There was a woman standing outside, dressed posh, and young: most likely an intern starting work at the University.

"Yes?" I asked politely.

"Is Miss Nya Analove here?" she inquired.

Dazed, I replied, "Yep, that's me."

She nodded and beckoned for me to follow her. "You have a couple of visitors."


Tali and Harry were waiting in the main office, looking out of place and around in awe. Their faces lit with relief when they saw me, and Tali ran over to hug me.

"Hey, Nys." she said, pulling away. Harry walked up beside her and gave me a good ol' high five, and then reached down to hold Tali's hand in his own.

"How's school been?" Harry asked, smirking. I huffed. "Work, work, lots of work, and various forms of work. But it's been good." I replied, the last bit referring to the times I spend with my friends.

Suddenly Tali pulled her hand out of Harry's and grabbed mine. She looked at me urgently. "We really, really need to tell you something, Nys. It's about," she stood as tall as she could and whispered in my ear. "all the Herobriney stuff that's been going on."

I felt my eyes widen as I looked at my sister in shock - I specifically told her to be careful, not go find things out on her own; Notch, she was going to get a well-earned yelling on my part.

Nodding, I led Harry and Tali into a grassy patch next to the Arena. Only half the sun was peaking over the horizon, causing the familiar oak trees to cast long, strange shadows across the blocky landscape. Once we stopped walking, Tali began talking immediately.

"Holy Notch, Nys! You won't believe it! Last night was so so awesome! Harry and I went and broke into - er, I mean, um, got permission to enter - the University! Anyways, there was a lot of tiptoeing, and Harry sucks at staying quiet, and we got to the main office, and we took Clare's student file, and then the security guys came-"

"-Wait, wait, wait, hold up." I interrupted, my brain practically bursting; from confusion of so many words being thrown at me so fast, and anger. "You broke into Bloquear University? Are you insane? That is the exact opposite of what I told you to do-"

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