Chapter 2

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*11 years earlier*

 I opened my eyes and rolled my head to the left to look at the clock. 4 AM. It was this blasted time change; it had me all messed up. American time was so much different than in England. It would have been 10 o’clock at home.

 “Psst. Psssst. Harry. Are you awake?” I heard Liam whisper. I turned to the bunk directly across from mine. Liam slept in the bottom bunk opposite mine on the van. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and nodded.

“Yeah I’m up. I can’t sleep with this bloody time change.”

“Me either.” he replied.

Then Niall’s head peaked from the bed above Liam.

“I’m up too lads.”

Just then a head hung upside down from the bunk above mine.

“Anyone care for a red bull?!” asked Louis excitedly from upside down.

 I laughed and shook my head. “No Lou, if I drink that now there’s no way I’ll ever get back to sleep.”

 “There’s point in trying to sleep now.” Zayn said as he joined the conversation from the driver’s seat.

There really wasn’t a point. I sat up and hung my legs over the side of the bunk. Just then Lou came crashing down from his bed.

 “Louis! Are you trying to kill yourself?” I inquired. He had nearly scared me half to death. All the other boys just laughed. It definitely wasn’t out of the ordinary for Louis to be hyper naturally; not to mention the can of red bull he just inhaled.

The boys and I had bought an old VW van to tour America. We took out some of the seats and replaced them with small bunks for the five of us. Maybe it wasn’t the greatest idea for sleeping arrangements, but it was cheaper then finding a hotel every night.

We wanted to find a way to explore the world before we all had to go back to England in the fall. University was in the plan for all of us, and after that we’d have to take on responsibilities and the real world. That didn’t sound too exciting. The worst part was that we weren’t all going to the same university. Niall was going back to Ireland to go to school, Zayn was going to an art school in London, and Liam was going to study music somehow at a university in Wolverhampton. Louis planned on going to a small community college to get a teaching degree. I didn’t want all of us to split up. We’d been through so much together since we met at that boring kids camp so many years ago. The only thing that helped me survive those 4 weeks were these 4 lads, who were now my best mates.

I stood up from my bunk and stretched my back before sitting in the passenger seat next to Zayn. Orange lights flashed past every few seconds from the line of lights decorating the highway. All you could see was fields of green. It was the same thing we’d been seeing for the past two days. It wasn’t very entertaining and there wasn’t anything to look at. After you’ve seen one bean field, you’ve pretty much seen them all.

 “Where are we now?” Liam asked.

I pulled up the GPS on my phone and looked at the coordinates of our location.

“Somewhere in Indiana.” I replied. “How much longer until we get to Denver?”

“I would probably guess about 2 more days.” Liam replied.

“Well, until then, we shall relax, eat, watch television, and find Harry a girlfriend.” Louis said teasingly. He smirked at me before falling back onto my bunk and taking an enormous swig of his energy drink.

“Very funny Lou.” I shook my head and looked back out the window. I couldn’t help but smile a little bit. 

“Wait, what happened to that one girl? She was nice..I liked her…” Zayn said.

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