Chapter 4

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*Earlier That Day*

(Addalie’s POV)

“Addalie!” Logan yelled.

My eyes searched around the outside of the pool, looking for him. I spotted him just behind the diving boards. I smiled and waved at him.

He waved back, “When do you get off work?” He asked.

I looked at my watch. “About 30 minutes!” I shouted back from my lifeguard stand. 

He nodded and smiled. “I’ll be back then! Don’t leave without me!”

“I won’t!” I replied.

He blew me a kiss, which I caught, and returned one to him. I watched him turn and walk away in the direction of town. I couldn’t help but smile; I had a great boyfriend. 

Logan and I had been dating for about 2 years. We met because we went to the same high school together, and in little Deer Creek, you get to know everyone. He was a year older then me, making him 19. His bright blue eyes and sandy blonde hair made him look like a beach bum, but honestly, I don’t think he’d even been to a beach in his life.

He waited for me everyday when I got off work. I was a lifeguard at the local pool, and he worked down the street in his dad’s garage. His plan was to work there for his dad for the rest of his life. I didn’t mind that he wanted to work in his dad’s garage. In fact, I thought it was pretty hot that I was dating someone who could fix cars like that. No, the part that bothered me was that he was going to spend the rest of his life in this little town. He’d never leave – he’d never get to experience the world. There were so many opportunities out there, and so many things to explore. I don’t know if I could do that. But if I loved Logan like I thought I did, I’d have to get used to it.

Pretty soon, I was climbing down from my stand and letting the next lifeguard on duty take my place. I walked into the employee locker room and placed my whistle into my locker. Then I pulled out my favorite red tank top and jean shorts and quickly pulled them on over my swimsuit. I pulled the hair tie out of my hair, letting my long blonde hair fall down over my shoulders. My hair naturally had a beachy look to it, or at least that’s how people had described it.

I closed my locker, grabbed my bag, and turned towards the door. I walked out and let the hot summer sun hit my skin once again. Being the classic blonde that I was, a tan was something very foreign to me. The most I did was freckle a tiny bit, and that was only because I practically spent my whole summer sitting on a lifeguard stand in the sun.

I turned to walk to where Logan and I usually met. It was a little white gazebo near the edge of the park. I walked along unaware of much around me. I was only thinking about Logan. He said today he had something planned. I wondered what it could be…a picnic? A romantic dinner? A drive in movie? Whatever it was I was sure it was going to be special. He was great at planning things, and never seemed to disappoint.

Apparently I let my mind wander too far, and before I knew it I ran straight into something, or someone. I couldn’t tell who it was before we both fell backwards into the grass.

(Thanks to LucidLove for giving an awesome review of my first chapter! I hope others feel the same way about it! Remember to vote if you like it, and comment what you think! I love you! xoxo )

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