Chapter 6

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Addalie’s POV

I couldn’t help but be distracted the whole time we were walking. Those stupid thoughts would not leave my head. I did everything possible to get them out, but nothing seemed to work.

We walked to the edge of town and out towards Finnegan’s old abandoned farm. When I was younger, my best friend Carter and I would come out here and meet. It was our secret hideout, and no one could ever find us. We would play for hours and hours, lost in our own secret little world. I hadn’t spoken to Carter in a while…I think it had been almost two years…

Logan pulled me once again from my thoughts when we approached the old barn. He stopped me right outside the door and smiled, saying,

“Close your eyes.”

With my eyes closed, I felt him let go of my hand. A second later, the sound of an old sliding barn door opened right in front of me. He gently took my hand again and led me carefully inside. The breeze ceased to cool my skin and the smell of hay filled my senses.

 I crinkled my nose slightly at the smell and Logan laughed.

 “Okay, open your eyes now.”

I opened my eyes and was shocked by what I saw.

He had cleaned and decorated the entire inside, making it look like a scene from a movie. There was Christmas lights strung everywhere, lighting up the small area. In the middle of the floor there was a small picnic on a blanket, waiting for its guests.

I gasped. My childhood play place was completely transformed into one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen.

 “Logan…it’s…it’s gorgeous.” I stuttered, trying to choose the right words to say.

He smiled, letting me know that he was satisfied with my loss for words.

 He guided me towards the small picnic in the middle of the room. We ate and talked and laughed; it was wonderful. Eventually we got done eating and I pulled myself over close to him. We both lay back as I rested my head on his chest and cuddled close to him. I wrapped my arm around his torso, and he pulled me closer with his, hugging me tightly to him. I took a deep breath as we both sat there in silence, just enjoying each other’s company. This almost seemed to good to be true.

After a few minutes, I heard him ask, “Addalie…”

 “Yeah?” I replied.

 “…Are you okay? You’re acting different tonight. What are you thinking about?”

I had hoped that my wandering mind hadn’t been noticeable, but apparently it was.

“I just had kind of a weird day.” I said.

 “What kind of weird?” He questioned.

Usually we told each other everything, so he could tell I was holding something from him.

“Well…today when I was leaving the pool, I ran straight into some guy I’d never seen before. He was British, and it was really weird. He asked me to…show him around.”

 He looked down at me curiously. 

 “But don’t worry, I turned him down and told him I was taken.” I said quickly.

 He nodded slowly. 

“Well good, because I wouldn’t want any guy coming in here and stealing my girl away from me! And with you being so beautiful, you could probably get any guy you wanted.” He said sweetly.

 I smiled. “But I don’t want anyone but you.” I whispered.

 He kissed my forehead. “I love you Addalie.”

“I love you too Logan.”

However, even as I said it, I felt an increasing amount of guilt, as I couldn’t shake Harry from my mind. Why did he seem so important? I had met lots of other guys since Logan and I started dating, and I had never once found interest in any of them. It wasn’t like I would leave Logan for Harry though, I only found him outwardly attractive. I didn’t even know the guy. He could just want to use me, make himself feel good and then leave. The thought eased my mind, but only slightly. 

I snuggled closer to Logan and told myself that tomorrow I’d never remember anything about the boy with the green eyes.

(A shorter chapter today! I'm not sure how many people are actually reading my story daily at this point, but I have bad news for those of you who are...I'm leaving Thursday afternoon for fall break, and I won't be able to update for a few days. Then we're leaving again and it will be another few days before I update. :( It makes me sad because I love posting everyday! I'll do my best, and maybe Thursday I can post a couple chapters before we leave.

Also, I've been getting some really encouraging comments on here and on Instagram, so thank you so much to those of you who have told me you enjoy my story! It means a lot to me! I love you! xoxo )

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