Chapter 31

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Work was boring, and as usual, nothing exciting happened. With my job as a lifeguard, that was probably a good thing. I hadn’t realized how boring my job and my life was until I had met Harry. After everything that happened this past weekend, I couldn’t help but expect something to happen or change.

When I finally got to leave the pool, I quickly walked into the locker room and pulled my phone out. I didn’t have any missed calls or texts. I really hoped that Harry wasn’t upset with me about yesterday. I didn’t want him to be hurt in any way, but I had the feeling that I had done just that. I would call him in a few minutes, but first I decided to stop by the bakery and get myself a snack, and see if Blair was working.

I walked along the sidewalk in my flip-flops and ran my fingers through my blonde hair to work out some of the knots.

I reached the bakery and a little bell rang above the door as I stepped inside. Blair was at the front counter, and she immediately smiled and waved at me.

“Hey!” she called to me.

I returned her greeting and walked towards the counter.

“How’s everything?” She asked.

“Well Logan and I are officially over.” I replied with a shrug.

“Oh, Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“It’s a good thing, it really is. He wasn’t any good for me.”

“I agree.” She nodded. “You’re too good for him anyways.”

I laughed. “Everyone seems to think that.”

“Because it’s true!” She laughed. “Now, what can I get you?”

I let my eyes wander over the many choices under the glass. “How about a slice of banana bread?”

“Coming right up!”

She handed me the bread and I handed her a couple dollars in return. “Keep the change babe.” I teased.

The small bell above the door rang again, meaning another costumer was coming in. I turned to see who it was and to move out of their way.

“Niall!” Blair smiled. “What are you doing here?”

She was asking the question, but by the huge smile on her face, she obviously didn’t mind.

“Harry and I got hungry and I knew the perfect place to get a snack.” Niall replied as he leaned over the counter and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Hey Addalie, how are you?” He turned his attention to me and smiled. 

“I’m doing good, thanks.” I smiled back at him. He really was just as charming as Harry.


“Did you say…” I wasn’t able to finish my question before Harry also walked through the door of the bakery.

His presence froze me where I was standing and all I could do was stare at him. He tossed his loose hair a bit and pushed it back up on his head as we walked towards us. Half was across the room, he finally noticed me.

He also froze in his tracks, and stared at me with his questioning green eyes.

Niall and Blair were intently watching our encounter.

“Hey.” I gave a small smile, not quite sure about where we stood.

He nodded at me but didn’t give me a smile in return. “Hey, how are you?”

This was weird, really weird. This wasn’t Harry. Something was obviously wrong and it obviously had to do with me.

“I’m fine, you?” I replied.

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