Chapter 36

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Harry’s POV

I ran my fingers through my hair and kick the railing as curse words run through my head, and a few escape my lips. I was only doing it for her. He was being a arrogant son of a…

I needed to calm down. It wasn’t going to help for me to damage her railing or getting so angry that I hunt him down. I sat down at the top of her stairs and dropped my head towards my feet. I don’t even know what to do. Do I just leave? Do I knock on the door? Do I beg for her forgiveness once more?

Forgiveness for what? I was protecting her; I was defending her. Except I scared her to death. 

It wasn’t like me to punch someone. I’d only been in a few fights in my life, but they were stupid school fights that weren’t very serious. I didn’t want to be the guy everyone hated or was scared of. Yeah, I worked out and kept myself fit so no one would walk over me, but I didn’t do it to prepare myself to take someone out if it was needed. But that’s exactly what just happened.

I sighed and pushed myself off the step and leaned my head against her door, knocking lightly.

“Addalie?” I asked gently.

There was no reply.

Just then my phone rang in my pocket. I dug it out and held it to my ear without looking at the caller ID.


“Harry! How are things down in Deer Creek?” Louis’ cheerful voice filled my ear.

I started down the stairs, away from Addie’s door.

“Where do I even begin.” I rubbed my forehead, trying to ease the pain.

“What’s the matter?”


“So I take it this has something to do with Addalie?”

“Yes it has everything to do with Addalie.”

“Well come on lad, I want to know what’s going on. I’ve plenty of time.”

I proceeded to tell Louis everything that happened in the past four days as I walked towards the hotel.

As I walked along the sidewalk, a few girls that were also out walking would look at me and giggle to each other as I passed. I thought it was strange until I realized I had left my shirt in Addalie’s apartment, and I was currently only wearing jeans and sneakers.

As I finished my story, Louis was silent on the other end.

“I don’t know what to do Lou. I think I’ve terrified her and now she won’t want to see me again. I’m worried she’ll regret leaving Logan and she won’t want anything to do with me now.”

Louis seemed to think over his response before he said, “Harry, this girl obviously likes you. She’s given up a two-year relationship and has given up her time everyday since you met her. I believe she won’t be away long. Don’t give up, just be patient and show her that you wouldn’t ever harm her. It might just be that she has to realize that you were protecting her. Just give it time mate.”

I thanked him for his advice and we talked for a few more minutes before we hung up. I walked into the hotel and up to our room, and when I opened the door, Niall and Blair were inside. They were both cuddled together on the bed as they watched TV, but sat up when I walked in.

“Harry! Where on earth have ya been?” Niall asked, as if he didn’t know. “And where’s you shirt?”

“Niall, I told you exactly where he’s been.” Blair said smiling.

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