Chapter 18

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When Niall and Blair returned to our table, they were laughing and trying to explain some hilarious story through their outbursts. They weren’t doing a very good job, because I literally didn’t catch any of it. I awkwardly laughed and tried to make it seem like I understood, and it seemed as though Harry was doing the same.

 When they finally calmed down, I pulled out my phone to check the time. My lock screen was full of notifications of missed calls and texts. All of them were from Logan. My stomach flipped but instead of reading through them I slid the lock button across and sent the messages away. I would check them later, but not now. I wasn’t in the mood to think of Logan again.

 My eyes widened when I looked at the time.

 “Guys, how long have we been here? It’s nearly 8:30!”

 “8:30? Wow. Time flies.” Niall said with no urgency in his voice. Obviously he didn’t mind spending his time here with us. Although I assumed he was more interested in Blair then anyone else. He and Harry were best friends, but I still hadn’t spent much time getting to know the blonde boy. Maybe I’d get to know him more the longer he was here.

 “Sorry guys, but I have to work tomorrow, and I was out late last night. I really need to get home and get in bed at a decent hour.” I said. “I don’t want to be the party pooper, but I think I might have to be.”

 Blair laughed. “Party pooper? You’re hilarious Addalie. It’s fine, we can take you home now. It is getting late, and my parents will probably start to wonder about me too.”

 With that we all started to gather our things and get up from the table. Over a few minutes of debate about who would pay for the meals, the boys insisted on themselves paying for the girls.

 I had expected Niall to pay for Blair, but when Harry insisted on paying for me it was a bit of a surprise. It made my heart leap and it made me feel like we really were on a date. That was so wrong…but it felt so right. Although I knew he was just being a gentleman. He probably didn’t even mean anything by it.

 Once again we all piled into the car, taking the same seats as before. Niall asked me for directions to my apartment and I did my best to tell him how to get there. I was really horrible with directions.

 We headed in the correct direction and I felt my phone continue to vibrate in my wallet. Logan was being insistent tonight. Back at the garage I had made it seem like everything was fine, why was he blowing up my phone? I turned it off vibrate and threw it into the seat next to me; between Harry and me.

 He looked at me questioningly as he watched my actions.

 “Are you okay?” He mouthed silently.

I shrugged and mouthed back “Logan”.  

 He nodded. “I’m sorry.,” he said silently.

 “It’s okay.” I mouthed back.

“You two are awfully quiet.” Niall pointed out.

 “So are you two.” I teased.

 “Blair and I communicate even when we’re not talking.” Niall smiled and Blair giggled.

 “I’m gonna try not to think to far into the statement…” I laughed and rolled my eyes.

 I knew that if I could see Blair’s face it would be quite red. However, I learned that Niall was not secretive about being suggestive. I crinkled my nose at the thought of Blair and Niall doing inappropriate things. I couldn’t picture either of them doing anything, they seemed like the most innocent people in the world. Maybe I was wrong?

 We pulled up to the theatre and I tried to open my car door.

 “Um, it still won’t open…” I said awkwardly. The three of them laughed but Harry got out and came around to my side.

 “There you go.”

 “Thanks, again.” I said as he helped me out for the second time tonight.

 We stood there for a moment awkwardly before he finally said; “I hope I’ll see you around Addalie.”

 “I’m almost positive you will.” I replied, smiling.

 He returned my smiled and I waved goodbye as I headed towards the stairs on the side of the building. I heard the car door shut, but then I heard Harry’s voice.

 “Addalie! You left your phone.”

 I turned around and he closed the space between us.

 “Oh! Thank you! I can’t believe I forgot that!” It would have been really bad if I had left my exploding phone with Harry and Niall.

 He hesitated before handing it to me. “Would you mind if I put my number in your phone? You know, just in case…?” He stumbled on his words as they came out.

 I tried to hide my smile and nodded. “Yeah, just in case.” I subtly teased him.

 His face lit up with a smile as he punched his name and number into my phone. A moment later his smile disappeared and he looked up at me.

 “Uh, you have a text...from Logan. I didn’t read it I swear.”

 “It’s alright Harry, I don’t mind.” He handed me my phone. “He’s been blowing up my phone all night. I suppose I’ll have to call him back and explain why I wasn’t answering.” I sighed.

 “My offer still stands.” He says and I remember his promise at the restaurant to beat him up.

 I almost laughed at the thought.

 “No, it’s alright. Thank you Harry. I’ll see you soon.” I smiled.

 “Alright, goodnight Addalie.”

 “Goodnight Harry.”

I turned away from the beautiful boy and headed up the steps to my door. I knew he was watching me and I focused all my energy on not tripping. It wasn’t until I reached my door and unlocked it that he turned away and walked back towards the car. It was my turn to watch him, and I looked at him as he slowly paced back to the vehicle. He was so beautiful with the sunset hitting his tan summer skin, and his hands shoved deep into his pockets. His long legs quickly covered the distance that he was walking, and I was disappointed when he finally climbed into the car.

 I quickly open my door and stepped inside before he realized I was watching him. I walked down the hallway and threw my things onto the couch, but followed behind as my back hit the cushions. A huge smiled spread across my face and I ran my fingers through my long hair. I was in a state of bliss.

 Somewhere deep inside me I knew I had already fallen for this boy I had just met. In the back part of my existence I knew that I could never escape this trap that I was already tangled in. However, I refused to admit those things to myself so early on. It had only been one day. A single day since I had even met him. I couldn’t like him yet. He was still a stranger.

 But I knew he was no stranger. Not to me. I felt as though I knew him completely, even though I had already forgotten his last name. It was such a weird feeling. I had spent my entire life always knowing everyone in this town. I had literally grown up with everyone here, and I knew everyone’s stories. Yet here was this boy who I’d only known for a little over 24 hours, and I didn’t know him, but I knew him. And at the moment it made me feel special. I knew him. Right now, he was mine. Sort of.That didn't really make sense, but I didn't care.

 I continued to let myself dream until my phone started to light up the ceiling. I reached above my head and picked it up, unlocking the screen. It opened to Harry’s contact, and I saw that he had put “Harry xx :)” as his name. I was once again sent into my dream world for a few more seconds.

 When I returned, I forced myself to open the messages from someone who I dreaded speaking with.

My boyfriend.

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