Chapter 30

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I continued to walk in the opposite direction of the gazebo. My emotions were flaring and I had no idea what to think. How dare he accuse me of using Harry because I was jealous? He didn’t even know Harry. Nobody did. Only I knew him.

Ok, maybe that wasn’t true, but nobody here knew him like I did. I connect with Harry on a deeper level that anyone, and I was sure of that. I couldn’t imagine anyone else feeling this immediate fire for him like I did. It was impossible; Harry was for me.

Or was he? Was he really the one or was I actually using him for an excuse to move on from Logan? Was he my escape route? I couldn’t hurt him, not again. I had to get my feelings straightened out.

I walked until I was on the opposite side of the park, and when I turned around to look back at the distant gazebo, I could see that it was empty so I knew Logan had left.

He probably didn’t even look back. I thought to myself.

I laid down in the shade of a big tree with my knees in the air. That one conversation had changed my entire opinion of Logan. He was usually sweet and charming, but now he was angry and would say anything to hurt me. His eyes accused me of doing terrible things; things that I thought he knew I would never do. But I guess I never thought he’d cheat on me either, so maybe we were even.

No, we weren’t even, because I didn’t cheat on him. Not technically. I didn’t kiss Harry until after I knew that Logan and I were done. I didn’t kiss him until after I was sure Logan was with Mailee.

Mailee. The name still disgusted me. She made herself look so innocent, it made me sick to my stomach. I bet he went running back to her, and she cuddled into his chest and he kissed her and told her he was hers now.

Disgusting. But it didn’t matter anyways; I didn’t want Logan anymore. She could have him, and enjoy it before he does the same with some other girl.

I could feel my anger returning and took a deep breath of the summer air to calm myself. Closing my eyes, I let the soft breeze sooth my mind. The last thing I thought about was how I was supposed to call Harry…

The sunshine beat down on my skin and was bright behind my eyelids. My back was slightly sore from lying on the ground and there was a strange sound…something was ringing…

I blinked a couple times before opening my eyes, trying to adjust to the sunlight. The sun had moved far enough in the sky that my shade was now on the opposite side of the tree.

I sat up to remove the bright rays from my face and noticed that the ringing had stopped. The phone in my back pocket was lit up with a missed call notification when I pulled it out, and the missed call was from Harry.

I pushed the return call button and wiped under my eye to remove any smudged mascara that may have been there. While I was waiting for him to answer and looked around; the park was pretty empty except for a few kids running around. How long had I been here?

“Hello?” A voice interrupted through the speaker.

“Hey, um, Harry?” I asked awkwardly in my still sleepy voice.

“Yeah, Addalie? Are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m alright, why?”

“You just sound different.”

“I just woke up.” I laughed.

It was silent for a moment on the other end. “You were sleeping?”

“Yes, I fell asleep in the park after I finished talking to Logan.”

“Okay…?” He sounded confused.

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