Chapter 22

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We walked down the sidewalk as the light summer breeze cooled my skin. Harry was pretty quiet, and it bothered me. I wanted to tell him that Logan came to my apartment last night. I wanted to tell him that Logan didn’t want me around him anymore; not because I didn’t want to spend time with Harry, but simply because I trusted Harry and I wanted to tell him everything.

 I debated with the idea for a few moments before dismissing it. I wouldn’t want to overwhelm him with my problems, and by the look on his face, it seemed that he had problems of his own. I didn’t want to pry though, so I didn’t question it.

 I stayed quiet until I couldn’t stand it anymore.

 “So what have you been up to today? Any exciting plans?”

 He focused his attention on me. “Niall’s with Blair, so I didn’t have anything to do. But I’m perfectly fine with spending it this way.” He smiled.

 “I’m glad you don’t mind hanging around me.” I replied.

 “Not at all, you’re a pretty amazing girl Addalie.”

 As soon as the words fell from his lips his face went red, and I don’t think he meant to say that out loud.

 “Thank you.” I said quietly, trying to hide the red in my own cheeks.

 It was silent for the few more minutes before we got to the frozen yogurt place. He opened the door for me, as a gentleman would, and we stepped into the cool air.

 There were a few other people in the shop, including some kids I recognized from school. Almost every young female in the place eyed Harry, then glanced at me, and then went right back to watching Harry. I felt my jealously levels rise and I glanced up at him.

 He returned my glance before asking, “Something wrong?” obviously not paying attention to anyone but me.

 I shook my head, “No, sorry.” I replied.

 There was no denying that Harry was attractive. Who was I kidding? He was more than attractive. It was as if a British male model had walked in the room. I don’t think I could point out a single flaw in Harry. Not even in his personality. He was very nice looking, but his kindness and slight awkwardness made him even more adorable.

 Logan. Logan. Logan.

 My subconscious reminded me. Oh right.

 We walked up to the counter and Harry started to scan the menu.

 “Let me order for you. I have a personal favorite, and no one has ever disliked it!” I smiled.

 “Fine with me,” he replied, “I was getting lost in the menu anyway.” He laughed that beautiful laugh that I loved so much.

 I ordered my favorite combination of yogurt and toppings. As I pulled my wallet out of my bag, Harry interrupted.

 “I got it.” He said, quickly retrieving his wallet from his back pocket.

 “No Harry, you bought dinner last night. I can get it.” I insist.

 He shakes his head. “No way. This is me paying you back for getting my bike fixed for free.”


 “Please?” He asks in the most innocent way possible. He sticks out his lower lip and gives me puppy eyes.

 How is anyone supposed to deny that face?

 I rolled my eyes. “Fine, only because you begged.” I teased. He laughed again and continued to pay.

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