Chapter 10

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I knocked on the door for the second time and Blair opened it with another smile on her face.

 “Is everything okay?” She asked.

 I nodded. “Yeah, everything’s fine, I just don’t feel like sitting alone all day. Do you mind if I hang out with you for a while?”

 She smiled her one of a kind smile. “Of course I don’t mind! Come on in. Have you eaten?”

 “Yeah I had a PB&J before I came. But thanks.” I replied.

 “Okay, well I was just making myself some pasta.”

 “Don’t mind me, go right ahead.” I said.

I wandered back into the living room and took a seat on the couch again. She had something turned on the TV, and I think it was some drama show or something. I didn’t really pay much attention to it.

 She came back a moment later with her plate and sat down next to me on the couch.

 “So, do you have a thing for any of the boys?” I asked teasingly.

 She looked down and smiled. “Yes, Niall.”

 “Which one is that?”

 “The blonde one.” She said blushing, “Oh Addalie, he’s so perfect. Such a gentlemen, and so easy to talk to!”

 She seemed so happy when she talked about him, and I hoped he wouldn’t break her heart.

 “How did you meet them?” I asked.

 “They came into the bakery yesterday afternoon. I’d never seen them before and was just going to serve them like any other customer, of course. But when Niall came up to the counter and looked at me, he froze and blushed a little. It was so adorable! Then he started talking to me like we had known each other forever. He was sort of half shy, and his eyes! Oh man, those eyes could melt me in record time.”

I laughed a little at the way she got carried away when she talked about him; it was so cute. She was such a sweet girl, and she deserved someone like Niall.

 “Well I hope the two of you can work something out then.” I replied with a smile.

 She nodded. “You know, Harry looked like he had a thing for you.”

 “I figured as much. But it doesn’t really matter. I have a boyfriend…” I trailed off.

 She knew something was wrong. “I don’t know exactly what’s wrong Addalie, but from what I could tell yesterday, Harry is a great guy. Even if you two never become a ‘thing’, I’m sure you two would get along great. If you see him again with the boys, you should hang out with us. You’d like all the boys, and Harry would be an awesome friend.”

 I looked at the ground. “I don’t know Blair, I don’t want Logan to think of me as untrustworthy or something.”

How ironic. My brain mocked me.

“You shouldn’t let him rule your life. You can have other friends. I mean, when was the last time you spoke to a guy friend? Back in high school you had tons of friends that were guys. Remember how close you were with Carter?”

 I smiled. “I miss him! He really was my best friend.”

 Carter had moved away right after he graduated to attend some college a couple states away. He was a smart kid, and always had my back. Throughout our entire childhoods and first two years of high school, we were partners in crime, and we did so much together. We never had feelings for each other, and that’s what was great about the whole thing. But I had spent less and less time with him when Logan and I met. Pretty soon I never really talked to him at all. In the moment I finally realized how much I regretted letting him slip away.

 “Don’t let a relationship with one person ruin experiences and friendships with someone else.” Blair said. “Logan stopped one great friendship from surviving, don’t let him do it again.”

 I looked up at her. She had been very brave by saying that, but I knew she didn’t mean anything bad by it. She was being honest, and maybe it was exactly what I needed to hear.

 “I’ll think about it.” I replied.

 She smiled. “Great! You’ll love the boys. I’m sure of it!”

I guess we would find out.

(I'm sorry it's short but I already had it written so yay there you go new chapter. :) Love you! xoxo )

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