Chapter 23

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A million emotions coursed through me all at once. Pain, anger, jealousy, hurt, depression, betrayal, and then I felt nothing. I went completely cold. I stared at the two of them with disbelief without saying a word. I felt a hand on my shoulder but I didn’t respond to it. I couldn’t feel anything.

 It wasn’t until Logan kissed her on the cheek that the life rushed back through my body and I quickly jumped to my feet.

 Harry did the same, but stayed silent, judging what I was going to do next. My hands became fists by sides and I wanted to hit Logan, hard. I debated on whether or not I should run over to them and simply choke them both out.

 Then Logan saw me. His eyes met with mine and I believed I could literally feel a knife driving through my heart. The smile he was holding immediately dropped and his face went pale as e dropped Mailee’s hand and stopped walking. She looked confused until she followed where he was looking. She didn’t look worried or sorry or ashamed, she just looked at me like she was doing absolutely nothing wrong.

 I ran. I took off down the sidewalk without looking back. Tears came to my eyes but they didn’t run down my cheeks. I was too angry for tears.

 I heard two voices call my name but didn’t stop for either of them. I ran until I couldn’t run any farther, and then I turned into a small alleyway and leaned against the wall of the building. I slid down the brick until I was seated on the pavement.

 Surprisingly, no tears came. I simply sat there with a blank expression, staring at the wall opposite me. All the things that Logan and I had been through; the love, the laughing, the romance, the dates, the fights, and the 2 years of relying on each other…it was all gone. I didn’t ever want to see him again. He could have Mailee. They deserved each other.

 I decided right then that I didn’t want an explanation from him. I didn’t want to hear his side of the story. I asked him last night if he had been with Mailee and he lied to me. He lied to my face after I gave him the chance to tell me the truth. I knew that after this I could never trust him again. And what is a relationship without trust? It’s nothing.

 I got lost in my thoughts until I saw someone run past the alleyway, and then I heard their steps slow and get louder again as they approached me. I didn’t look up to see who it was, but I knew that if it was Logan, then I had nothing to say to him. Actually, I had a lot to say to him, but I didn’t want to do it now.

 A warm body slid down the wall and sat right next to me. I saw white converse and tattoos that decorated his arm and I knew it was Harry.

 Relief hit me, relief that it was Harry and not Logan. I finally let myself cry. I sobbed and let my weight fall into Harry as he wrapped his arms around me and held me to his chest, whispering things that were meant to be comforting, but didn’t help much. I didn’t hear much of what he said over my loud sobbing. I didn’t care though, and I tried my hardest to release the pain through my tears.

Harry’s POV

 I rested my hand on her shoulder in an attempt to pull a reaction from her. She just sat there, silent. She didn’t move; she didn’t react. Then all of a sudden, she jumped to her feet, and I followed her actions.  

 She still didn’t say anything, she just stood there and watched them, and the two of them stared back at her.

 I reached my hand out to comfort her, but before I could, she took off. She ran away from us down the street.

 “Addalie!” I called out for her and I heard Logan do the same. I glared at him but gave him every opportunity to go after her.

 He didn’t.

RewindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora