Chapter 32

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I took his hand and guided him over to the bench that was facing the pond. Sitting down, I encouraged him to take the space next to me.

“Ok, so yesterday I met with Logan and I broke up with him. It didn’t take long and I already had my mind made up when I got there. But he…” I hesitated and thought through my words before I said them. I didn’t want Harry getting upset over something he couldn’t change. “He said some things that kinda hurt me, and accused me of things that weren’t true.”

His eyebrows pulled together and frustration formed behind his eyes, but he didn’t interrupt me.

“Everything got jumbled up in my head. I thought I knew I wanted you but then I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t pulling you along in anything. I wanted to make sure there wasn’t a doubt in my mind so that there wasn’t a possibility of me hurting you. I wandered through that old park until I finally sat down under a tree to think. My head hurt and my heart was broken and somehow my body took over and I fell asleep.”

He exhaled a deep breath and looked away, but I still caught the small look of embarrassment on his cheeks.

“It wasn’t your fault to wonder Harry. We both just need to, to talk things out more. We both seem to think we have everything under control when we obviously don’t.”

He nodded and turned back to me. “I’m sorry for shutting you out today. I thought that you didn’t want me anymore, and the only way I knew how to deal with that was to let you move on and not get involved with you in any way. I couldn’t stand seeing you and knowing you’d changed your mind.”

I shook my head. “Nothing’s changed.”

“You’ve no idea how relieved I am.” he laughed lightly to himself.

I laughed a bit louder. “You’re relieved? I thought you hated me and that I’d blown the whole thing!”

“Hate you?” He shook his head. “Impossible.”

My heart fluttered at his promise and a smile was pulling at my lips.

“So, we’re back to where we were on Sunday night?” I questioned as my eyes fell downwards to my lap.

My hair that had fallen over my shoulder hid my face but he brushed it away and placed a kiss on my cheek.

“As long as that’s how you want it Addie.”

I quickly looked up at him, not being able to hide the smile on my face.

“What did you call me?” I asked.

“Addie?” He asked cautiously. “If you don’t like it then…”

“No, no, I just, no one really calls me that anymore. I like it.”

A smile lit up his face as well. “Good, because it quite suits you.” He said. “It can be my nickname for you.”

No one had called me Addie in a long time. My dad used to call me that, but that was years ago. I was his little girl and he was my favorite person in the world. He taught me how to do lots of things, but most importantly he taught me to never give up. My mom had always let Addie be daddy’s nickname for me, but after he died…

I brushed the thoughts away before they broke me down and made me cry in front of Harry. Those were memories I hadn’t uncovered for a long time, and for the moment, I was perfectly fine with keeping them buried.

“So, do you want to do something today? It can make up for yesterday.” I quickly distracted myself and stood from the bench.

He followed me in standing and it forced me to look up at him, as he was at least 6 inches taller than I was.

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