Chapter 28

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We helped Blair clean up the kitchen before Harry said that he should go. He was reluctant, and I knew that if Blair weren’t here, he’d stay longer.

I walked him outside and stood at the top of the stairs. We both leaned our elbows on the banister and I let the cool summer night calm my nerves.

“I hope it was ok for me to come here tonight Addalie.”

“It was fine, I really wanted to work things out. I swear Harry; I wasn’t using you. Not even a little. You’re not a rebound or anything like that.” I reassured him.

He nodded. “I believe you. I’m sorry for accusing you.”

“It’s alright, we were just caught up in the moment.”

He laughed lightly and looked at the ground.

“What?” I questioned.

“We only met three days ago. It’s Monday, and we got to town on Saturday. And in that time I’ve seen you everyday and kissed you twice.”

I blushed and looked away from him. He was right. It had only been three days, but a lot had happened in those three days. Good grief, more had happened this weekend than anything else in my summer so far. I smiled but tried to hide it from him.

“Not that that’s a bad thing, actually it’s pretty amazing.” He continued, obviously trying to protect my feelings.

I turned towards him and smiled. “I almost can’t imagine not knowing you now.”

He smiled in a way that showed off his beautiful dimples and he shook his head. “Me either Addalie.”

He stood up and towered over me, revealing his true height. I looked up at him and he held my chin with his hand.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Call me when you’re finished meeting with Logan.” He half asked, half told.

I nodded.

“Goodnight love.” He said sweetly with that gorgeous accent. Then he leaned down and left a kiss on my cheek, which as a result caused my stomach to erupt with butterflies.

“Goodnight Harry.” I replied.

His hand pulled away from my chin and he waited for me to go inside before he walked down the stairs and back into the night.

When I re-entered my apartment Blair was looking at me expectantly.

“What?” I asked, not being able to hide the huge grin on my face.

“I wouldn’t want to pressure you into telling me anything but…SERIOUSLY WHAT HAPPENED?!” She yelled excitedly.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I think Harry likes me too.” I blushed.

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, duh. Besides that; tell me something I don’t know!”

Did I want to tell her about what happened in the bedroom? I didn’t really want to tell her. It felt so private and intimate and I wanted to keep it a secret, but I figured if I didn’t tell her then she’d assume other things.

“He apologized.” I said, not giving away any details.


”And…” I hesitated. “And he might have sort of kissed me.”

Blair jumped up from her position on the couch. “Kind of sort of?! How do you ‘kind of sort of’ kiss someone?” She laughed.

I shrugged and looked at the ground, blushing.

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