Chapter 29

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Addalie’s POV


I felt someone shaking my shoulder. I groaned and opened my eyes, and immediately light filled my vision and I couldn’t make out half the things around me.

“Addalie, wake up. You’re gonna be late.” She laughed.

Late? Late for what?

I looked up and saw Blair leaning over me.

Blair? Oh yeah, she stayed last night. Last night…Harry…Logan…late?


I shot up and grabbed my phone from where it was charging in the wall.


I dropped my phone onto the couch and glared at Blair.

“It’s only 11:30.” I yawned.

“Only 11:30? You slept the whole morning away. Don’t you meet Logan at 1?”

“Yes, but I have an hour and a half. You made it seem like I should have been walking out the door right now!”

She laughed at me. “Well I didn’t know how long you needed to get ready. Good grief, just trying to be nice and look what it does for me.” She teased.

Then I noticed that she was already completely dressed, with her hair done and her make up on.

“How long have you been up?” I asked.

“A couple hours. I used your make up, I hope you don’t mind?”

“No, it’s fine. Do you have somewhere to be?”

“Yeah, I have work at noon, so I actually need to go.” She pulled me into a hug. “Thanks for last night! It was fun. I’ll see you later!”

“No problem! Have a good day at work, don’t daydream too much.” I winked at her.

“I’ll try!” She laughed.

After she left I folded the blankets from our temporary bed and put everything away. Then I put some quick make macaroni and cheese in the microwave for lunch. Heading into my room, I noticed something shimmer under the bed; it was a necklace.

I picked it up and looked at it. It was a silver chain with a cross. I didn’t remember having a necklace like this…

I thought about it for a minute as I sat down on the edge of my bed. Suddenly I remembered.

This is where Harry and I were sitting last night. This is Harry’s necklace.

I smiled and walked over to my mirror. Holding it around my neck, I admired how it looked against my freckled skin. It suited Harry quite nicely, and I wanted to see it back around his neck. It was sexy there, and it needed to be returned.

I hooked it around my own neck so I wouldn’t forget to give it to him later.

Don’t wear it Addalie, that’s too weird. It’s not even yours. My mind convinced me to put it in my bag.

Before I could take it off, I was distracted by a beeping in my kitchen.

I pulled the quick meal out of the microwave and stuck a fork in it as I headed back towards my bedroom.

I took large mouthfuls of the cheesy pasta as I searched through my closet. I finally decided on a yellow shirt and white high wasted shorts.

I shoveled some more food in my mouth as I walked towards the shower and turned on the hot water.

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