Chapter 3

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I looked up from my phone when Niall was standing over me.

 “Ready to go?” He asked.

 Blair was standing next to him, and I realized how much their eyes looked alike. They both had that same piercing yet warm feel about the way they looked at you.

We all stood up and Niall introduced Blair to the other boys.

 “Blair, this is Zayn, Liam, and Louis. Boys, this is Blair.”

 “Nice to meet you Blair.” Liam said smiling.

 “Maybe we can better acquainted as you show us around?” Louis asked.

 “Of course!” She replied.

 When she spoke, her words almost sounded like the line of a poem; sweet and delicate. It made you feel comforted and calm almost immediately.

We exited the bakery and made our way down the sidewalk.

 “There’s not a whole lot to do in Deer Creek. We have a pool, and a park, and a few decent restaurants, but other than that there’s not a whole lot. It was a big deal just for us to get a Wal-mart.” Blair told us. “In the summertime, most of us teenagers spend time at the park and pool if we’re not working. Our high school is pretty small, so you get to know most everyone pretty quickly.”

She spoke calmly and with confidence, like she had known us forever. Like we were old best friends who were visiting her after she moved. She began to grow on me the more we got to know her. I really hoped Niall felt the same way, because I think they’d get along really well.

 Niall was walking next to her, and they were a couple steps ahead of the rest of us. There really wasn’t much room on the sidewalk for all of us to walk together.

“How long have you lived here?” Niall asked her.

 “I’ve lived here my whole life. The same little town and the same little school, with the same people. We don’t usually have a lot of visitors come here…what brings you guys here?”

 “We’re just passing through really.” Liam said.

 “We’re touring America before we have to go back to university in the fall.” Zayn elaborated.

 “That’s cool. So where are you guys from exactly? Obviously you’re from Europe somewhere.”

 “We’re all from somewhere in England. Except for Niall here, he’s a pure blooded Irishman.” Louis said while nudging Niall. Niall laughed and Blair smiled. 

 “Enough about us though, tell us about you.” Niall said while smiling.

 “Well, my name is Blair, but you already knew that. I’m 17 and a junior. Um…I’m not really into sports, but I love music. I play guitar and piano, and I sing…a little.”

Well Niall was definitely a goner now. He couldn’t resist a girl who played guitar AND sang. I could tell by the look on his face that he thought he had met the perfect girl.

“That’s awesome. I really love music too.” Niall replied.

 She smiled. She did have a great smile, which was pretty obvious.

By now, I started to hear the sound of splashing water and people laughing and talking.

 “We’re getting close to the pool.” said Blair, “Most of the kids are probably there. Maybe I can introduce you guys to some of my friends?”

 “Sure, why not?” Niall shrugged, “As long as they’re all as great as you, I’m sure they’ll be really nice.” Niall told her.

 He was really pouring on the honey. She blushed again and smiled, looking down at her feet as she walked. Niall just looked at her and smiled.

As we got closer, I saw a large fenced in area, with a pool inside. There were a couple diving boards, and water slide, and a kiddy pool off to the side. There must have been 50 people there, all enjoying the summer sun.

 “And here we are, this is the pool. And right over there,” she pointed to the left of the pool, “is the park.”

 It was what you’d expect from a small town with not a lot to do. This seemed like the place to be. I had the sudden urge to buy a swim shorts and jump in the cool water.

“Why don’t we hang around here for a while?” Niall asked.

 Louis shrugged. “Why not?”

 “Great!” Niall said, “Come on Blair, I’ll buy you some ice cream.”

With that Niall and Blair walked away towards an ice cream cart.

 “Well now what do we do?” asked Zayn.

 “I’m not sure. But right now I think that sitting in the grass and taking a nap sounds pretty good. This sun is getting to me, and I’m tired.” Louis said.

 "You’re actually tired?” Liam asked teasingly. “That seems impossible.”

The four of us wandered over and sat down in the grass. Louis didn’t sleep, which I expected. He was way to restless.

 After we sat there for a little while, I got up to get a drink from a water fountain I spotted. I walked over to it and leaned down to take a drink. The water wasn’t very refreshing, and it tasted like it had been sitting in the sun for much too long. I stood up and wiped the excess water off of my face with my arm. I turned around just in time to see a flash of red and to feel someone to run straight into me.  The mystery person caught me off guard, and both of us tumbled backwards onto the grass.

(Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think so far! And remember to vote if you like it. Love you! xoxo )

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