Chapter 16

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Harry’s POV

As we headed towards the park my mind was wondering what Logan had said to Addalie. Had he yelled at her? Had he said something hurtful to her? Was it my fault? Probably. Great first impression. I really didn’t like Logan. Something about him gave me a terrible feeling. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but something was definitely up with him. Who could possibly look at Addalie and not immediately want to touch and kiss her? He had every opportunity to do that with her, and he didn’t take it. He was crazy.

 We headed towards an old swing set and Addalie sat down and gently began to push the swing into motion. I leaned against the metal pole of the swing set and closed my eyes. Leaning my head back, I let the summer sun warm my face. My mind was running in too many different directions and I needed to control my thoughts.

 I couldn’t help myself from taking a peek at Addalie. I opened one eye and looked over at her with my head still leaned back against the cool bar. She was staring at me. Checking me out? That’s what it looked like. She was biting her lip as her eyes scanned my torso. I noticed she did that-she bites her lip when she thinks. That’s absolutely fucking adorable. That’s how I knew she was thinking about me. Maybe she was thinking dirty things? The thought made me smile.

 I closed my eyes again and returned my head to its original position on the pole. There was a smile playing on my lips that was impossible to hide.

“What are you smiling at?” I heard her question curiously.

 “Hmm?” I tried to hide away my dirty thoughts. “Oh nothing.” I couldn’t hide the growing smile on my lips.

 She was quiet but I could feel her eyes on me as she wondered. At last she let out a sigh and I heard the swing begin to creak as she pushed herself higher.

 “Need a push?” I asked.

 “Sure.” She smiled that gorgeous, million dollar smile.

I walked behind her and put my hands on her waist. Immediately all I wanted to do was kiss her. I wanted to continue to hold her and never let go. I was almost in pain when my hands lost contact with her body. Every time she would swing towards me again, I would have the same feeling as my hands came in contact with her body again and again. I never wanted to leave from this moment.

 After a few minutes she was high enough to push herself, and I decided not to continue to uselessly touch her, even though I wanted to. Damn did I want to.

 “Okay, now you get on a swing!” She said happily.

 “What?” I laughed.

 “You. Swing. Right there. Why not?” She asked.

 She was so incredibly cute. I couldn’t help but laugh.

 “Alright, alright!” I easily gave in as I took the swing beside her.

 When I had reached the same height as her, I asked, “Now you know what the most fun things to do is?”

 “No, what?”

 “You jump off!”

 She laughed and my smile grew. “Okay!”

 “On 3. Ready? 1…2…3!” And with that, I jumped off my swing and my feet heavily hit the ground. I slightly lost my footing and stumbled a bit to catch my balance.

 The next thing I heard was Addalie yelling my name. As I turned around, her body fell onto mine, and before I could catch my balance a second time we both tumbled backwards onto the grass.  All I could do was laugh; my happiness was incredible in this moment. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.

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