Chapter 9

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 Walking towards Blair’s house, I realized I had no idea what I was going to say. Blair and I were friends I guess, we knew each other from school and had talked a little, but not much. I didn’t exactly know how I was going to bring up the conversation. I guess I’d just play it out and hope she didn’t think I was a complete stalker.

 I walked up to the little patio of Blair’s house and hesitantly knocked on the door. A few moments later she answered.

 “Oh, hi Addalie!” She said smiling.

 “Hi…” I replied. “Can I ask you a question? It might sound kind of weird.”

 She nodded and shrugged. “Sure, you wanna come in?”

 “Yeah, thanks.” I replied.

 She still lived with her parents, and the house was clean and quaint. A bright, cheery, yellow color covered the walls, and everything was organized to perfection. She led me over to the living room and I sat down on the couch next to her.

 “Okay,” I started, “So, this is gonna sound so weird…but I saw you with them yesterday so I figured you’d be able to answer my question.”

 Blair nodded. “Oh, I know what this is about. This is about Harry isn’t it?”

 I slowly nodded, and I could feel my cheeks get hot. “What do you know about them? Why were they in our town? I’d think they would be in bigger cities like New York or L.A…”

 She had a confused look on her face. “They’re visiting for vacation…they said they were just passing through. Why would they have to be in a bigger city?”

 “I don’t know, it just seems like they wouldn’t be here. Are they still in town?”

“I’m pretty sure they’re still here…Niall didn’t mention anything about them leaving last night. I assume they’re at the hotel.”

 I just nodded. Harry was still in town. Maybe I’d see him again…No! No Addalie! Stop thinking that way!

 I noticed Blair was staring at me intently. “Can I ask why?” She questioned.

 Opening my mouth, I began to try to say something, but nothing came out.

 “I’m not really sure Blair.”

 “Is everything okay with you and Logan?” She asked with concern.

 “Yes, I mean sorta. I mean I have no idea. My brain is all mixed up right now. I can’t keep anything straight.” I dropped my head into my hands and closed my eyes.

What was I doing? I was taken. Wasn’t I? I hadn’t forgotten what Logan said…

 Then I felt a hand on my back.

 “Addalie, you can trust me. If you need someone, I’m here for you. Just let it out.”

 I looked up at her and smiled. “Thanks Blair. I know I can trust you.”

 Just then my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked down at the screen.

“Incoming call from ‘My Babe’.” That was Logan.

I looked back up at Blair. “It’s Logan. I should take this. Thanks for your help Blair, hopefully we can hang out or something soon.” I said standing up from the couch.

She nodded. “Anytime. Bye!”

With that I walked back outside, took a deep breath, and answered the phone.

 “Hello?” I answered cautiously.

 “Addalie, what’s going on? I know something’s wrong. I know you. What happened?” He questioned all at once.

 “Logan calm down. Everything’s fine. Something just came up.” I tried not to sound harsh, but his words left a burning impression in my mind.

 “Are you sure?”


 “Well I just wanted to make sure. You’re not mad at me are you?” He asked.

 I hesitated for a moment. I should be able to talk to him about this; after all I talk to him about everything. For the past two years there hasn’t been a single thing about me that he hasn’t known about.

 “No, I’m not mad at you.” I chickened out and avoided the questions I had.

 “Okay good. Well I guess I’ll see you soon babe. I love you.”

 “Okay, see you later, bye.” I hung up the phone and realized I hadn’t returned his ‘I love you’. Oops. That would definitely make him worry. Oh well, I’ll make up for it later.

I kicked some rocks as I slowly wandered back towards my apartment, not really wanting to go sit alone. I got half way there and stopped. I really, really didn't want to go be alone. I slowly turned and headed back towards Blair's house.

(Hello everyone! So guess what...I had this whole chapter written and ready to go on here and then wattpad decided to be a pain in the butt and delete all of it. -__-. But anyway, here it is! Also, I'm so sad, but I'm leaving today for spring break, and I won't be able to update for a few days. :'(. I'll see if I can beg my mother to let me take my laptop (she hates when we take our laptops, not sure why) and I might be able to update at the hotel. But if I can't, then I'll see you in a few days... :(

Thanks for reading! I love you! xoxo )

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