Chapter 21

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*Harry’s POV*

 When I woke up the next morning the sun was peeking through the hotel blinds and Niall was already in the shower. He was going with Blair for lunch in about an hour.

 I sat up and blinked my eyes a few times before searching for the remote. I found it on Niall’s bed after ripping back all the blankets, and I had no explanation on how it got there. He does weird things in his sleep.

 I searched aimlessly through the channels, not finding much that interested me. Before I knew it Niall came out of the bathroom and was completely dressed. His hair was perfectly placed and he wore his favorite t-shirt, which read “Free Hugs”, and a pair of fitted jeans.

 “Well Harry, nice to see you finally woke up! I’m heading out now, I’ll be back later. You sure you don’t want to come along?” Niall said as he shoved his phone, keys, and wallet in his pockets.

 I shook my head. “No, you two have fun. I’ll find something to do.”

 “Okay, then I’ll see you!” He said with almost a nervous touch to his voice.

 He couldn’t stop smiling, and anyone from a mile around could tell he was excited.

 After another half hour of sitting and watching television, I decided to go for a walk, and try to familiarize myself a little more to the town. I quickly showered and got dressed, and then grabbed my things and headed out the door.

 I walked for a while, not really sure of where I was going. I looked at the ground and watched my feet hit the pavement, and I would glance up every time someone would pass by, giving them a smile. Everyone seemed pretty friendly here, just like you’d imagine a small country town to be. I passed a little ice cream shop, a toy store, and a wooden playground. Kids were laughing and running through a sprinkler. It could have been taken right out of a television program.

 I looked up as I heard the sound of machinery and tools against metal. It smelled of oil and rust, and I could tell right away I had found my way back to the garage. As I glanced inside there were cars sitting on high lifts with people working on the underneath, while other’s lay on their backs to work under the cars.

 I walked through the open doors and decided to see if my bike was finished yet. I hadn’t gotten a call from Logan, but I had nothing else to do. I looked around the room but didn’t spot him. After a moment, someone tapped me on the shoulder.

 “Can I help you?” A voice asked.

 I turned to see a middle aged man, and his hands and face were painted with grease marks.

 “Uh yeah, I dropped my motorcycle off yesterday and I wondered if it was done yet.”

 I realized that I hadn’t given or taken any information yesterday, so this man might not have any idea what I was talking about. It looked that way too, as he held a confused look.

 “Hm, a motorcycle? I don’t remembering seeing one…”

 He was interrupted by another voice.

 “Dad, he talked to me yesterday.” I turned to see Logan walking towards us, and then he turned his attention to me. “I’m not finished with it yet, there are a few more things that need to be looked at. I said I’d call you when it was done.”

 I nodded, trying not to get angry. “I just thought I’d check in and see.” I replied.

 The look on Logan’s face told me that he was obviously pissed about something, and I assumed that it was about me. I wondered if he had gone to Addalie. He wasn’t acting this way towards me the last time I saw him.

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