Chapter 25

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Harry’s POV

She was playing me. This was a giant game to her. Payback, that’s all it was. She stole my heart and then shattered it on the ground, right next to hers.

But she had said she wasn’t playing me. Was she telling the truth? She looked pretty honest. After everything; she trusted me, she spent time with me, and she seemed like she actually did want to be with me. But after that comment…

He did the same to me. She had said. The way she said it made it seem like it was completely normal to be making out with someone right after she was cheated on. Like it was the obvious thing to do.

I massaged my forehead with my fingers as I walked down the street, alone once again. My headache was growing, and I could get her out of my head. The way her lips tasted, the way she desperately pulled me to her. It was like a cry for help, yet somehow it was solely based on passion. The way she ran her fingers through my hair…

Fuck. I needed to stop right now. 

I shoved my hands into my pockets and continued down the sidewalk. For the second time today I had no idea where I was going. Was Niall still at lunch? I checked my watch; it was nearly 3:30. He had to be done by now, right?

I headed back towards the hotel, but didn’t get very far before a car pulled up next to me.

“Harry?” A female voice called to me.

I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Niall’s car with Blair in the passenger seat.

“Harry, have you seen Addalie today?” She asked as the car stopped and she got out. “Yeah, why?” I responded.

“Is she ok?” She questioned.

Did she know what had just happened? Had Addalie called her that quickly?

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Niall joined us on the sidewalk. “We just saw Logan hanging out with some other chick.”

My fists clenched by my sides.

“…So you knew that already?” Blair asked, obviously noticing my tension.

I nodded. “Yeah, I know a lot. It’s a long story.”

She nodded slowly. “Is she at her apartment?”

“Yeah, I just left there a few minutes ago.”

Both of them raised their eyebrows and looked at me with surprised faces.

You were in Addalie’s apartment with her?” Niall asked.

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t think into it too much. Nothing happened.”

Nothing happened? What do you mean nothing happened?! You pinned her against a wall and you say nothing happened?

My subconscious butted in, and my headache slightly returned.

“Uh-huh, well, I think I’m gonna go over there and see if she’s alright. Thanks for lunch Ni, I’ll see you around.” She kissed him on the cheek and gave him a hug.

“No problem babe, I’ll call you later.”

She blushed and headed in the direction of Addalie’s apartment.

“So are you gonna tell me what really happened in there?” Niall pressed curiously.

A sigh escaped my lips. “To be honest, I have no idea what happened.”

We both climbed into the car and headed back towards the hotel.

Addalie’s POV

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