Chapter 11

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Harry’s POV

 Niall and I said our goodbyes to the boys as they were packing their things into the van. Just like we had planned, Liam, Louis, and Zayn, would continue on towards Denver today. They would stay a few days there and then head on to California. Niall and I would stay in Deer Creek for a few weeks while they were gone, and hopefully he could work something out with Blair during that time. On their way back they would stop and pick us up here, and then all of us would continue our trip to New York. 

 “Alright boys, well have a nice time. And Niall, don’t get to carried away with Blair. We wouldn’t want anything happening.” Louis winked at Niall as he teased him.

 Niall’s laughed and punched him in the shoulder. “No promises.” He joked.

 “Just remember, safety first.” Liam added.

 “Alright, alright already! Enough teasing boys! We’ll see you in a few weeks.” Niall said.

 We laughed for a moment, and then Louis pulled me aside.

 “Harry, I just want to let you know, that you can’t fool me. I know you’re mostly doing this for Niall, but if you see this girl again…” He began, but I stopped him.

 “Lou, don’t worry about me. She’s taken. I’m not going to pursue someone who doesn’t want to be.”


“But Harry, what if something great could happen between the two of you?”

 “Whatever happens happens. We’ll just have to wait and find out.”

 Louis patted me on the shoulder and smiled. “Go get ‘em Haz.”

 I smiled and we joined the rest of the boys.

 “Listen,” I began to say, “I hope none of you are sore because we’re staying here. I know we all planned this trip together…”

 Zayn shook his head, “Don’t worry man, the whole point of this trip was to have an adventure. So maybe your adventure and our adventure just isn’t in the same place. Either way, this will still be the best summer ever.” 

 Louis and Liam nodded in agreement. They were the best friends we could have.

 We said our goodbyes once more and watched the three boys climb into the van.

 “Maybe now we won’t have to be so cramped when we sleep!” Louis teased and he pulled the door closed. Niall laughed and held up my middle finger to him and smiled as they pulled away. 

 “Do you think we should rent one car or two?” I asked.

 “Doesn’t matter to me. Perhaps we should get two.” Niall replied.

 I nodded. “That’s probably the best idea, just in case you and Blair get busy…”

 “Oh not you too Harry!” Niall got red again, and I just laughed.

 “I’m just teasing with you!”

Niall seemed like such an innocent guy, you’d never actually imagine him doing anything with a girl. It would just seem…not normal. But maybe that’s just because he hasn’t had a serious relationship since I met him.

“Uh, Harry…” Niall began, “Do you think they even have a car rental in this town?”

 I hadn’t thought about that.

 “I have no idea. Text Blair, and ask her if there’s a rental place here. I assume she’d know.”

 Niall nodded and pulled out his phone. While he was typing out a message, I noticed a couple girls walk past us on the other side of the street. My heart jumped as I caught a glimpse of a blonde. I looked again; imaging that maybe it was Addalie. I quickly looked away when I realized it wasn’t.

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