Chapter 8

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Addalie’s POV

I blinked slowly as I opened my eyes to the dim light around me. Where was I? As I began to look around I realized Logan and I had fallen asleep last night here in the little barn.

 I smiled as I looked up at his sleeping face. Slowly, I reached up and gently moved some hair away from his forehead. He was so peaceful, and I found myself smiling as I looked at him.

 I sat there for a few moments watching him, and then he started getting restless in his sleep. He took a deep breath and squirmed under me. I giggled and tried to push myself off of him, but his grip tightened around my back, and he forced me closer to him.

 “Don’t go...” he murmured in his sleep. I knew he was still sleeping because his breathing remained steady.

 “I’m not going anywhere silly.” I whispered quietly to him.

 He murmured a few other things that I couldn’t really understand, but I just sat there watching him. Then after a moment, he said something that I certainly did understand.

“Mailee…stay. Don’t tell…” his words faded away.

I pulled out of his grip and sat straight up. Did he just say Mailee? He said Mailee…stay. Stay where? Don’t tell what? I stared down at the face of this boy who I trusted with everything. What did he not trust me with?

I searched back in my memory for someone named Mailee. I couldn’t think of anyone…wait. Mailee Johnson. She was my age, tall, had gorgeous dark hair, and was stunning. What had he told her that he hadn’t told me?

 My mind immediately searched for the worst. Had they been together? No, Logan wouldn’t do that to me. Would he? He’s never done anything that even suggested that he had been cheating. That definitely wasn’t it. It had to be something else. But what?

I was too confused to even think, and at the moment I just needed to get away from him. I pulled away from his grip and stood up. I searched the ground for where I had left my bag, and spotted it under one of the blankets. I grabbed it quickly, which was a big mistake. I had accidentally grabbed the bottom of the bag, so when I picked it up the contents went everywhere. Crap.

The noise woke Logan up.

 He jumped and his eyes were wide. “WHAT WAS THAT?” He gasped, completely startled. He sounded like a scared child.

I didn’t even have time to laugh because my thoughts were so jumbled in my brain. But I hadn’t forgotten that I was trying to leave. I quickly shoved my things back into my bag.

“I’m sorry, I was trying to find something and I dumped everything.”

I knew he could tell I was hurrying, and when I stood up to leave he jumped up and grabbed my arm.

 “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Addalie where are you going? What’s the rush? Are you okay?” He questioned.

I just nodded. “Yeah I’m fine, I just have something that I…forgot about. I have to be somewhere. Sorry, thank you for last night. Goodbye.”

I pulled myself from his grip and quickly walked out the door.

 I kind of felt bad. I mean he had done all this stuff for me, and then I just up and left like I hated him. But I was scared. What if he really had been with this girl? Everything that I thought had been so reliable just disappeared with four words.

I walked up to the door of my little apartment and dug around my bag for the key. Walking inside, I immediately realized I had forgotten to feed Crookie. She intertwined herself between my legs, begging for food.

 My cat was my only roommate here at home. I lived alone, so she kept me company.

I moved out of my parent’s house last fall, half way through my senior year. I tried to shove away the memories of last year. Those were not days that I ever care to remember.

This was the only apartment complex in the town, and I don’t think you could even call it a complex. It was a small, simple apartment above the old theatre. Not like a movie theatre, but an actual old-fashioned stage theatre. I had been inside the building a few times, and it was beautiful. Although I assumed that by now it looked pretty run down inside.

 I dumped some food in Crookie’s little bowl by the corner and threw my things on the couch. I glanced at the clock on the wall, and it read 11:13. Apparently Logan and I slept for quite some time, and if I had left without waking him, he’d probably still be sleeping.

 I walked into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. I smeared some peanut butter and jelly on my bread and walked back into the living room. I plopped down on the couch and Crookie jumped up behind me, having already finished her meal.

 “You’re such a fatty.” I teased her as I stroked her calico head.

As soon as I took my first bite, my mind started to wander. Mailee. Why did it have to be Mailee? She was an absolute slut. Talk about getting around? She had that reputation. She was beautiful, and appeared innocent and sweet, until you got to know her. There would only be one reason that she was hanging around Logan…

 For the millionth time in my life, I once again shoved my thoughts into the back part of my brain, where I wouldn’t have to deal with them until later.

 I felt so completely alone. I literally have no one to talk to. Logan, the only person I really spoke with, was the reason for my problems. He was never the reason for my problems. Well, not recently anyway.

 I thought for a while about who I could talk with. Then I remembered that there was one girl I actually had some questions for.

I grabbed my phone and headed back out the door.

(Another chapter for you. :) I'll post another one later. I figured I might as well post chapters while I have plenty of time on my hands. I hope you enjoy! I luff yeww. xoxo )

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